Orange County NC Website
13 <br /> 1 Commissioner McKee said there had also been discussion about co-locating for better <br /> 2 internet connectivity. <br /> 3 Jim Groves said it may not be worth the money to add the towers. <br /> 4 Jim Groves reviewed the costs for renting a tower, and he said another option would be <br /> 5 for the County to build a tower and rent it. <br /> 6 Commissioner Rich asked how much it costs to build a tower. <br /> 7 Jim Groves said it depends on the type of tower, but the amount would be between <br /> 8 $350,000 and $750,000. He said the VIPER equipment would put it close to $1 million. <br /> 9 Commissioner McKee there had been a mention of looking into the 700 mhz service. <br /> 10 Jim Groves said there have been some good conversations with Durham and other <br /> 11 partners about this, and the concern was to make sure there would be good interoperability. He <br /> 12 said there has been agreement to allow this. He said the FCC has to provide frequencies for <br /> 13 these tower sites. He said there are about 40 different frequencies, and it would be possible to <br /> 14 build a simulcast system. He said this means that all of the towers could transmit at the same <br /> 15 time, which would help improve coverage. He said only 20 of the 40 frequencies would be <br /> 16 needed to make this work, which would mean 15 frequencies could potentially be dedicated to <br /> 17 emergency services. He said 5 could be designated for non-public safety uses, such as <br /> 18 schools and public transit, and these could be borrowed by emergency services if a need arises. <br /> 19 He said, in theory, it seems like this would be a good system, and the County has a decision to <br /> 20 make about what direction to go. He said this system could be built for about one-third of the <br /> 21 cost. <br /> 22 Chair Jacobs asked if staff will come back with a recommended proposal. <br /> 23 Jim Groves said he will be happy to put this together. <br /> 24 Chair Jacobs said it sounds like that the 700 mhz system would be preferred by most of <br /> 25 the people working in emergency services. He said it would be nice to know what this would <br /> 26 cost and to see it flushed out for further consideration. <br /> 27 Jim Groves said this current study is just to show how coverage can be improved, but it <br /> 28 has nothing to do with building a County system or a simulcast system. He said the point is that <br /> 29 there is an existing coverage problem, and this plan will need to be implemented in some shape <br /> 30 or form to improve that. <br /> 31 Commissioner Price asked about the timeline. <br /> 32 Chair Jacobs said this was supposed to come back in March for the 800 mhz. He said it <br /> 33 would be up to staff to determine the timing. <br /> 34 Jim Groves said it would take a couple of months for him to put a decent proposal <br /> 35 together. <br /> 36 Commissioner Pelissier referred to a previous discussion of the First Net system. She <br /> 37 asked how this will fit in. <br /> 38 Jim Groves said N.C. probably will not see this until 2016-17, and he said First Net is <br /> 39 just a public safety broadband that is built in partnership with private communities. He said this <br /> 40 is a little more of a robust system, but there will be a subscriber fee to use it. He said it will give <br /> 41 private companies incentive to build a tower. He said the VIPER system is a good play on <br /> 42 getting ahead of this curve by helping provide more control of the system. <br /> 43 Commissioner Gordon asked for an explanation of what will come back in March. <br /> 44 Jim Groves said the current CIP has staggered amounts of half a million dollars each. <br /> 45 He said any changes, such as building our own towers, would require modification. <br /> 46 Commissioner Gordon asked if the future proposal that will be flushed out will mean <br /> 47 additions to the Cl P. <br /> 48 Jim Groves said yes. <br /> 49 Commissioner Gordon asked if this is the only item that will be brought back. <br /> 50 Jim Groves said the proposal will provide two different options, along with the associated <br /> 51 costs and timing, and it will be the Board's decision. <br />