Orange County NC Website
12 <br /> 1 <br /> 2 Recap <br /> 3 Five (5) tower sites recommended for VIPER coverage <br /> 4 4 existing towers <br /> 5 1 new tower <br /> 6 Two (2) tower sites recommended for VHF paging coverage <br /> 7 One (1) new tower site <br /> 8 One (1) existing tower site <br /> 9 <br /> 10 Cost Example <br /> 11 Co-location cost example (GTE Wireless) <br /> 12 $1,000 credit application fee <br /> 13 $2,000 structural analysis <br /> 14 $2,000 inspection fee (if construction installation fee is waived) <br /> 15 $1,500 Closeout documentation fee <br /> 16 Total set up - $6,500 one time cost <br /> 17 $2,500 rental fee, per month with 5 year term <br /> 18 Four (4) automatic renewal 5 year terms at 3% escalation <br /> 19 Total rent $30,000 /yr. per tower site <br /> 20 Orange County should negotiate these costs <br /> 21 <br /> 22 Outcome <br /> 23 - BOCC comments /feedback <br /> 24 - Tower funding in March, 2014 CIP <br /> 25 - Radio Tower/Infrastructure Report approval by BOCC <br /> 26 <br /> 27 Jim Groves reviewed the maps and said a lot of the issues with coverage are due to <br /> 28 terrain and the original design of the system. He referred to the map titled New "talk-in"- <br /> 29 Portable Radio, and he noted the concentric circles, which mark the site of the Chatham tower <br /> 30 site. He said this indicates a shadow effect, and it indicates bad coverage. He said there is <br /> 31 discussion and study regarding moving the tower antennae down to a lower height to fix this <br /> 32 issue. <br /> 33 Chair Jacobs asked if there is a number assigned to the percentage of expected <br /> 34 improvement in coverage associated with the recommended changes. <br /> 35 Jim Groves said he does not have that information. <br /> 36 Chair Jacobs asked that this be provided to Board of County Commissioners if it <br /> 37 becomes available in the future. <br /> 38 Commissioner McKee asked for clarification about the tower height for the VHF sites. <br /> 39 Jim Groves said if you raise the tower height here the coverage will improve. <br /> 40 Commissioner McKee asked if the Cedar Grove and Orange Grove towers would be <br /> 41 appropriate for increasing height. <br /> 42 Jim Groves said these two sites were set up at less than 200 feet. <br /> 43 Chair Jacobs said, at the time that tower height regulations were set, there was concern <br /> 44 about bird kills with taller towers. <br /> 45 Commissioner Rich asked about the decreased antennae height referenced earlier. <br /> 46 Jim Groves said the Chatham Mountain antenna is almost at 1,000 feet, and it will be <br /> 47 moved down to about 600 feet. He said these two towers are 200 feet or less. <br /> 48 Commissioner Rich asked if this height is sufficient. <br /> 49 Jim Groves said it can work. He said if there could be a 400 foot tower site, it might <br /> 50 bring the need down to 2 or 3 towers instead of 5. <br />