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9 <br /> 1 Park, which was a campaign promise of then-Commissioner Foushee when she ran for office in <br /> 2 2004. <br /> 3 He said the County owns a portion of the Greene Tract that was set aside as a natural <br /> 4 area, and he never saw it mentioned in any of their plans. He thought this should fit into their <br /> 5 plans somewhere. <br /> 6 Commissioner Jacobs said the issue of schools is also a complicated issue, partially <br /> 7 because of issues regarding sharing facilities. He said this is a debate that has been on-going <br /> 8 since he has been a Commissioner. He said the person making the decision is usually the <br /> 9 Athletic Director at the school. He said a better mechanism is needed to make facilities more <br /> 10 accessible, even if this means the County puts in extra money to help administer the use. He <br /> 11 said it is also important to be sensitive to the needs of the schools. <br /> 12 Commissioner Dorosin said he thought they needed to coordinate with the schools in <br /> 13 trying to provide for recreation. He said he thinks it is great to get input from the school systems <br /> 14 to incorporate in the plan. <br /> 15 Commissioner Dorosin said he thought the priorities should be developing the parks the <br /> 16 County already has, rather than acquiring new ones. He said the priority should be in turning <br /> 17 gifts (public resources which belong to the people) into something the public can access and <br /> 18 utilize. He said the first priority should be updating the plans that are in place for these parks, or <br /> 19 finalizing them and then implementing them. <br /> 20 David Stancil said that in a way there is a default priority system, and that is the timing <br /> 21 and sequencing in the CIP. He said these are projects in the CIP, and they are scheduled and <br /> 22 staggered in different ways. <br /> 23 Commissioner Gordon said that she is not sure that this report meshes with the CIP and <br /> 24 she questioned whether the Board should be looking at their CIP regarding phasing in the <br /> 25 existing land that the County owns. She said it is important to reassess based on some of the <br /> 26 feedback. <br /> 27 David Stancil said the report does mesh and should mesh with the adopted CIP pretty <br /> 28 well. He said there is not a sequence in the plan, although there is a sequence to the way it is <br /> 29 laid out in the CIP. He said one of staff's expectations is that this document will give the Board <br /> 30 a framework as they look at the CIP later this spring to make some of those decisions. <br /> 31 <br /> 32 Chair Jacobs said what he has heard that the Commissioners need more information on <br /> 33 the following: <br /> 34 • Socio-economic data on usage <br /> 35 • subsidies <br /> 36 • Deadline for comments about priorities <br /> 37 • Coordinating and soliciting comments from the school system as to what they <br /> 38 regard as priorities <br /> 39 • information about how the plan meshes with the CIP <br /> 40 • payment in lieu of consultant. <br /> 41 <br /> 42 He suggested that staff let the Board review a draft of at least the executive summary <br /> 43 and the responses to the Commissioners' concerns, even if it is an informational item, before it <br /> 44 goes to public hearing so that they have a sense of what direction they are going. <br /> 45 David Stancil suggested submitting Board comments back to him no later than March <br /> 46 3,d. <br /> 47 <br /> 48 3. Tower Study <br /> 49 Clarence Grier said there have been coverage issues in the past. He noted that there is <br /> 50 $2.5 million in the CIP through 2019 for these towers. <br />