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.• <br />Efland Area Resident Group Input /Suggestions for each Proposed Standard is in the Column on the Right <br />Eflaind Village Overlay District <br />Easy <br />Section Number <br />Ref. <br />in UDO <br />Proposed Standard <br />Efland Area Resident Group Input /Suggestion <br />No. <br />Revisions <br />46. <br />6.6.4 (D)(4) <br />Interior landscaping of the parking lots shall be provided in <br />OK as is <br />accordance with Section 6.8 of this Ordinance. <br />47. <br />6.6.4 (E)(1) <br />Signage shall conform to all requirements within Section 6.12 <br />Rewrite as follows: Signage shall conform to alf <br />" Signage" <br />of this Ordinance. <br />requirements within Section 6.12 of this Ordinance <br />unless iin conflict with this subsection, in whid,I rasa the <br />requirrrernents of this subsection shall alalaly. <br />48. <br />6.6.4 (E)(2) <br />Only monument style signs that do not exceed six feet in height <br />Delete this requirement. See #49a below for proposed <br />are permitted within the Efland Village Overlay District unless <br />sign requirements <br />the sign is considered a wall or window sign. <br />49. <br />6.6.4 (E)(3) <br />Pole signs are not permitted. <br />Rewrite as follows: New single pole signs are not <br />permitted. Single pole signs existing as of [date of <br />adoption] shall be considered conforming uses and <br />may be replaced if they are damaged or destroyed.° <br />° Planning staff will conduct a photo inventory of all existing pole signs in the Efland Village overlay district area and keep the inventory on file for future <br />reference. <br />Page 14 of 17 <br />January 26, 2015 <br />