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58 <br />Efland Area Resident Group Input /Suggestions for each Proposed Standard is in the Column on the Right <br />' fl IPiVd IllIP tOIIY"s't 't OIid „ IIIs'tIIY"IIIO't <br />Easy <br />Section <br />Ref. <br />Number in UDO <br />Proposed Standard <br />Efland Area Resident Group Input /Suggestion <br />No. <br />Revisions <br />11. <br />6.6.3 (A)(8) <br />Shared Access <br />Rewrite as follows: <br />(a) In order to manage access on Mount Willing Road, <br />Shared 1 rlvvuvays /Access <br />developments subject to this Section, fronting on Mount <br />(a) In order to manage aeeess rninirni7e the nurnlber of <br />Willing Road, and located contiguous to one another shall <br />driveway curb cuts on Mount Willing Road, thereby <br />provide shared access. <br />rnproving traffic flow and safety, developments subject <br />(i) Owners of contiguous parcels subject to this Section shall <br />to this Section, fronting on Mount Willing Road, and <br />execute reciprocal easement agreements between the <br />located contiguous to one another shall provide shared <br />separate property owners and have the same recorded in the <br />drivesvays /access w hs inevs r feasible, as determined <br />Office of the Orange County Register of Deeds prior to the <br />durl nnna site plan rvviesv. <br />issuance of a Zoning Compliance Permit. The easement <br />(1(I Methods to achieve shared drivesvays /access <br />agreement shall be sufficient to allow for the development of a <br />may irnc. ude re iloroc al ease rnv nt agreements <br />private service road or driveway to channel access from Mount <br />arnoing loropeiety osvrw irs, reservation of future <br />Willing Road to each property. Figure 6.6.2.A.3 shows an <br />access easements on property Ibei rya <br />example of the shared access. <br />developed, me of her rnethods deterrnined <br />(ii) Developments subject to this Section, fronting on Mount <br />duielung site plan uwviesv. <br />Willing Road, and not contiguous to other similarly situated <br />(11) 1 he location of shared dielvesvays shall be <br />development shall be required to designate stub outs to <br />deteirunined duieling site plan reviesv. Shared <br />adjoining properties on the site plan so that shared access can <br />dielvesvays do not necessarily need to be <br />be developed if and when the adjacent property is developed <br />ss <br />located at the front of lots if rear or side access <br />in either a manner which subjects it to this Section or if <br />is lorolorsed and feasible. <br />individual curb cut for a single - family detached residential land <br />use is deemed to be a traffic safety hazard by the County and <br />NCDOT. <br />12. <br />6.6.3 (A)(9) <br />All driveway entrances must have an approved NCDOT <br />OK as is <br />driveway permit and must be paved to NCDOT standards from <br />the edge of the existing roadway pavement to the existing <br />right -of -way limit on the interior of the property. <br />Page 3 of 17 <br />January 26, 2015 <br />