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50 <br />Commissioner Price said she voted against it last time, and her comments are the same. <br />She questioned whether the public received notice of the meeting last year when this was on <br />the agenda. <br />Perdita Holtz said the notice went out for the November 2012 quarterly public hearing, <br />and the notice contained an update on the information meeting held in November, which was <br />attended by only ten residents. <br />Commissioner Price said she would still like to see more discussion with the community. <br />Commissioner Pelissier said this reflects the comments of the small area plan. She said <br />that was a big picture, and this is only a small section of the Efland area plan. She is fine with <br />having community meetings. She said it is important to continue this to avoid waiting another <br />year. She said things get more difficult the longer this goes on. She suggested continuing the <br />public hearing with a set date. <br />Perdita Holtz suggested this be continued to the May Quarterly Public Hearing. She <br />said a public hearing out in the community has never been done before, and it would require a <br />quorum of both the Board and the planning board. She said a public meeting can be held with <br />staff in attendance. <br />Commissioner Pelissier said she was not trying to imply having a public hearing in the <br />community, as this will not allow for question and answers with staff, which is what the <br />community wants. She said this is called a public information session. <br />Ben Lloyd said people really want a public information session. <br />Chair Jacobs noted, in fairness to staff, that meetings were held at the Efland Ruritan <br />and there were repeated attempts to recruit people from Efland. He said there were people <br />from Efland who served diligently. He said this was the Efland Mebane small area plan. He <br />said the conversation included plans to get Mebane involved to insure that it would not annex <br />into Efland. He said if this is not a concern now, it is because Mebane has agreed not to do <br />this. He said there were signs up, and there were meetings at the Efland Community Center, <br />the Efland Ruritan Club and Efland Cheeks Elementary school. He feels it is a good idea for the <br />community to meet with staff to ask questions about this, and then this can come back to the <br />Board. He said there have been no attempts to exclude anyone. <br />An unidentified resident asked when the meeting was held at the Ruritan Club. He <br />asked if the details presented tonight were discussed at that meeting four years ago. <br />Perdita Holtz said the details were discussed at the open house community meeting held <br />in November of 2012 from 4 - 6 pm at the Efland Community Center, and 10 people came. <br />Greg Andrews said if this was turned down last time, he would like to see what changes <br />have been made since then. <br />Chair Jacobs said staff does that in the documents, and this is included. <br />Greg Andrews said it seems that at least two of the Board members recognize that there <br />is not enough change to make a difference <br />A motion was made by Commissioner McKee, seconded by Commissioner Price to turn <br />this proposal down and send it back to staff for further review and community input before <br />bringing it back. <br />Commissioner Gordon said this cannot be turned down, as this is not voted on at this <br />meeting. She asked if Commissioner McKee would like to turn it back to the staff. <br />Commissioner McKee said it was turned back to staff a year ago. <br />Commissioner Rich said she is fine with the description of the sidewalks because of the <br />forward thinking that the sidewalk issue is not being dropped. She said she does not <br />understand why this wouldn't just continue to be a public hearing to get more information. <br />Commissioner Price said staff and the Commissioners would be able to have dialogue <br />with the community. She said it would give more time for community input. <br />Chair Jacobs said this may just be a difference of semantics. He said the motion is to <br />defer further Board of Commissioner consideration until staff meets with the members of the <br />