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5 <br />contained in Section 4.2 of the UDO. Because the impervious surface limitations <br />stem from State statutes /rules, modifications to the allowable percentages are not <br />permitted except as allowed in Section 4.2.8. <br />At the February 2014 QPH, the BOCC directed staff to hold a public information <br />meeting (PIM) in the community and the public hearing was adjourned to September <br />8, 2014. Planning staff held a PIM on April 7, 2014 which was attended by <br />approximately 33 residents. Meeting attendees were encouraged to contact staff if <br />they wanted to meet one -on -one with staff or in small groups to further discuss the <br />proposed overlay districts. <br />A group of community members contacted Planning staff in August 2014 and <br />Planning staff met with a group of residents eight times from August 2014 through <br />January 2015. During this time, the public hearing was continued to December 1, <br />2014 and then again to April 7, 2015. The resident group provided numerous <br />suggestions for changes to the proposed overlay district standards (see Attachment 5 <br />for a chart depicting the suggestions) and these suggested changes have been <br />incorporated into the UDO amendments contained in Attachment 3. <br />The resident group's input and suggestions are primarily geared toward "softening" <br />language to allow for more flexibility in enforcing the standards (e.g., change "shall" <br />to "should "). Additionally, some suggestions relate to clarifying the standard while in <br />other cases the resident group was not in favor of having a standard at all (for <br />example, prohibiting the use of chain link fencing, regulating the orientation of <br />buildings on sites, or regulating the location of doorways on a building). <br />The Efland- Mebane Small Area Plan Implementation Focus Group (IFG), an advisory <br />board appointed by the BOCC, met on February 2, 2015 to review and discuss the <br />resident group's suggestions. Approximately 10 Efland area residents also attended <br />the IFG meeting which allowed the IFG to hear directly from the residents who made <br />the suggested changes to the standards. After lengthy discussion, the IFG indicated <br />it is comfortable with and concurs with the changes the resident group suggested. <br />Planning staff held a second PIM on February 23, 2015. The meeting has originally <br />been scheduled for February 18, 2015 but inclement weather conditions necessitated <br />