Orange County NC Website
M <br />Synopsis of Changes <br />(Applicable to Both Districts) <br />• Side and rear setback can be less <br />- Intent is to allow required buffer and minimum setback to be the same <br />• Smaller (less wide) buffer between lots <br />- In keeping with those required in the existing Efland Cheeks Overlay District along <br />Highway 70 <br />• No more than 1 entrance /exit point, unless justified <br />• Large projects must provide an internal pedestrian circulation system <br />• Must provide intra -site accessibility <br />• Requirements for driveways and shared access <br />- Shared access only applicable if fronting on Mount Willing Road or Highway 70 <br />Synopsis of Changes <br />(Efland Interstate Overlay District only) <br />• Site Planning must take into account need for connecting roadways shown on the <br />adopted Access Management Plan for the area <br />• Requires that national prototype architectural styles of chain businesses be altered as <br />necessary to complement the surrounding area <br />Synopsis of Changes <br />(Efland Village Overlay District only) <br />• Changes in front yard setback requirements <br />- Minimum of 30 -feet along Highway 70 <br />- If not along Highway 70: front setback in keeping with adjoining uses <br />• No fences in front yards unless a demonstrated need can be shown <br />• No chain link or similar fencing <br />• No outside storage of materials <br />• Allows up to 15% of parking to be located in the front yard (setback area) <br />• Encourages shared parking and puts a cap on parking <br />• Limits signage to monument style signs that do not exceed 6 -feet in height and prohibits <br />pole signs <br />• Does not permit modern corporate franchise building design <br />• Principal building must face fronting street and have a functional doorway <br />• Requires that buildings be designed to contribute to a "human scale" <br />• Prohibits drive - throughs and mirrored glass <br />Public Notification <br />• Completed in accordance with Section 2.8.7 of the UDO <br />— Newspaper legal ads for 2 successive weeks <br />— Mailed notices to affected property owners <br />— Mailed notices to property owners within 500 -feet of affected properties <br />— Posted 25 signs in strategic areas of the affected area <br />Recommendation <br />• Receive the proposal to amend the Comprehensive Plan, Unified Development <br />Ordinance, and Zoning Atlas. <br />• Conduct the Public Hearing and accept public, BOCC, and Planning Board comment on <br />the proposed amendment. <br />