Agenda - 03-26-2015 - Agenda
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 03-26-2015 - Joint Mtg. - CH Town Council
Agenda - 03-26-2015 - Agenda
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6/2/2015 9:30:38 AM
Creation date
3/20/2015 3:30:24 PM
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Minutes 03-26-2015 - Town of Chapel Hill
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K <br />for a combined facility would be 24,000 square feet. These projects are <br />priorities in the Parks Master Plan. <br />Solid Waste Transfer Station $ 5,200,000 <br />With the closure of the Orange County Landfill the Town began transporting <br />solid waste to a facility in Durham. This arrangement significantly increased <br />the costs of waste disposal including increased fuel consumption and wear <br />and tear on vehicles. Construction of a Transfer Station on Town owned <br />property on Millhouse Road is consistent with the Solid Waste Collection and <br />Disposal Option Report. <br />Stormwater Improvements $ 5,900,000 <br />This category includes high priority Stormwater Projects identified in the <br />Town's Stormwater Master Plan. Priorities will be further refined based on the <br />subwatershed studies. Debt issued for these projects would be repaid from <br />the Stormwater Enterprise Fund. Repayment of $5.9 million of debt would <br />require a rate increase of about $5.00 per ERU which is a 20% increase on the <br />current rate. In the Community Survey, quality of the stormwater <br />runoff /management system ranked as the most important maintenance <br />service. <br />Schedule <br />The Town Council is scheduled to take its first official action for the planned <br />referendum on April 27th when they take up the preliminary findings resolution. <br />Other important milestones in the referendum process include introduction of bond <br />orders and setting of the public hearing scheduled for May 27th and holding the <br />public hearing, adoption of bond orders and setting of ballot questions on June 22nd. <br />Debt Affordability <br />The Town has manageable debt levels as evidenced by its low debt per capita and <br />debt to assessed value benchmarks compared to its triple A rated municipal peer <br />group. The Town's debt pay -out ratio (amount of debt service payable in the next <br />ten years) is 77.9 %, which is considered very strong. In addition, the Town's annual <br />debt service as a percent of governmental revenues is currently about 9.2 %, which is <br />well below historic levels. <br />Other Capital Financing <br />In addition to the projects the Town is planning for the referendum, we are also <br />planning on financing certain high priority projects, including a new police <br />headquarters and replacement fire stations, using installment financings. The <br />decision to use installment financing for these projects is based on their essential <br />nature and the ongoing planning process for Town facilities. The essentiality of the <br />projects helps to ensure adequate collateral will be created by the project to support <br />the financing. The planning process for the projects includes the potential for co- <br />location of multiple facilities and the possibility of swapping properties with other land <br />owners. Installment financing provides the flexibility of determining the specifics of <br />the project when the planning stage is completed. The preliminary estimate for the <br />cost of public safety facilities is about $30 million. <br />
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