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the Commissioners. She said it is important to give the advisory boards an opportunity to <br /> make recommendations, and if no recommendations are made, then the Board may want to fill <br /> some positions. <br /> Chair McKee said he is hearing three different areas of discussion. He said there <br /> seems to be consensus on the idea of the Board making appointments for town positions that <br /> remain unfilled for six months or more. <br /> Chair McKee said he is not hearing consensus on the issue of positions based on <br /> geographic area. He thinks it is critical to hold some of these positions for specific areas of the <br /> County, though he could possibly be persuaded on a six month argument. He said his fear is <br /> that a future board might fill some of these vacancies for outlying areas, and the term is 3 <br /> years at a time, so this might eliminate a person from that area who might be interested. He <br /> said he recruits for some of these positions. <br /> Commissioner Rich said that for some of these positions, if the six month rule was in <br /> place there might be more pressure to fill the spot. <br /> Commissioner porosin said on the question of geography, he would support a six <br /> month window. He said that would put the burden on the Board and staff to try to recruit. He <br /> said, as far as the three year term, if you get rid of the geographic requirements, seats come <br /> up all the time, and there is flexibility to recruit from the area that is lacking representation the <br /> next time a seat comes up. <br /> Commissioner porosin said if you consider having vacant seats while there are people <br /> on a wait list versus having the boards fully filled, he would be in favor of the latter option. <br /> He said, as far as vetting applications, he thinks the Board has put itself in a box. He <br /> said if you want the advisory boards to make recommendations, but then the Commissioners <br /> are ultimately going to do whatever they want, this sends mixed signals. He said if the Board <br /> wants to have the discretion, they should just say that they are going to fill the seats, or more <br /> clear direction needs to be given to the advisory board on the desired diversity. He said if the <br /> recommendations do not meet these guidelines, they should not be taken. <br /> Commissioner porosin said he would be in favor of the advisory boards not vetting the <br /> applications. He has referred candidates that were then screened out of the process. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said there was a time when the Board received no <br /> recommendations from the advisory boards. He said the predilection could be changed if the <br /> Board chooses to do so. He said there needs to be some sort of hands on approach to insure <br /> diversity. He said there can be more flexibility for the Board to appoint, and it does not have to <br /> be a given that the advisory board makes recommendations. <br /> Chair McKee said he would propose trying the six month proposal for filling the <br /> positions with a geographic requirement. <br /> Commissioner Price said if you make sure there are enough at-large seats, it allows the <br /> flexibility to switch the people around. She said this will ensure that you are not locked into <br /> that three year term issue. <br /> Chair McKee said he is seeing consensus on this, and on using the six month time for <br /> the geographic spots from this point forward. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs said staff will make the effort to try and find someone to fill that <br /> spot within the six month time. <br /> Chair McKee said he would also like to see efforts to alert the Commissioners about <br /> these spots, to allow them the opportunity to recruit. <br /> Thom Freeman requested a little time to get with Information Technology to set up a <br /> system for tracking the six month periods. <br /> Chair McKee asked Thom Freeman to present this as an information item at a future <br /> meeting to give an update on where things stand. <br />