Orange County NC Website
Commissioner Jacobs de facto represented the Board at an event at the UNC LAUNCH <br /> center. He said some of the program alumni were present, and it was amazing to see how <br /> successful many of them have been. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier said the Orange Durham Express has started service in <br /> Mebane, and it now provides service all the way to Durham and Duke University. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier she is attending an upcoming breakfast sponsored by the UNC <br /> Institute for the Environment. She said the former mayor of Bogata will be speaking, and he is a <br /> world renowned expert on sustainable transportation. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier said Wake County is revising their transit plan, and the timeline <br /> for a proposal is this summer. She said the Triangle Transit Special Tax Board met today and <br /> there were several attendees from Wake County. <br /> 24th. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier said the annual Mental Health Legislative Breakfast is January <br /> Commissioner porosin said he attended an informational meeting in Efland, and many <br /> residents were excited about the new circulator route, but they have had difficulty getting <br /> information on the times and the route. He asked the planning department if there were any <br /> handouts or information that could be provided. <br /> Commissioner porosin said he attended a public hearing on the proposed new <br /> economic development in Carrboro. He said a developer wants to move the art center building <br /> in order to build a new hotel on the property. He said there are many changes proposed to this <br /> property, and the Board needs to be monitoring the impacts. He said the development plan <br /> seems as if it would require some support from the County. <br /> Commissioner Rich said she supports the idea of having Board comments at the <br /> beginning of the meeting. <br /> Commissioner Rich said she volunteered for the first time with the Department of Social <br /> Service's (DSS) Toy for Tots, and it is an awesome program. <br /> She thanked David Stancil for the mini parks tour in northern Orange County this past <br /> weekend. <br /> Commissioner Rich said her various commissions met over the break. She said the <br /> Durham Orange Chapel Hill work group met and discussed changing the path of the light rail. <br /> She said Durham is also purchasing some land around where the light rail will be located, and <br /> this is intended for affordable work force housing. <br /> Commissioner Rich said the Home First calendar is out, and the retreat will be February <br /> 14th at the Carolina Inn. <br /> Commissioner Rich said the Visitor's Bureau met yesterday, and numbers are on target. <br /> She said a lot of large jobs are being completed, and occupancy numbers may go down as a <br /> result. She said there were also a lively discussion about the proposed hotel in Carrboro, as <br /> well as a discussion of"Airbnb." <br /> Commissioner Rich said is a new app for parking in Chapel Hill. <br /> Commissioner Price said the Agri Summit will be on Feb 16th, and registration is <br /> available on-line. <br /> Chair McKee said he attended the MLK Banquet this past weekend, which was put on <br /> by the NAACP, as well as another event at the Kenan Center. <br /> Chair McKee said he spoke at the event in Hillsborough on voices of Martin Luther King <br /> and others who have moved us forward on social justice issues. He said all citizens need to <br /> step up to reiterate these voices from the past and bring new voices on how to move forward. <br /> 13. Information Items <br /> • December 9, 2014 BOCC Meeting Follow-up Actions List <br /> • Tax Collector's Report— Numerical Analysis <br /> • Tax Collector's Report— Measure of Enforced Collections <br />