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Jamie Rohe reviewed the following background information about her position as the <br /> Homeless Programs Coordinator: <br /> The Partnership budget supports the Homeless Programs Coordinator (Coordinator) position, <br /> the cost of participating in the national homeless database, and miscellaneous expenses. The <br /> Coordinator is responsible for overseeing the development and implementation of local <br /> strategies to end and prevent homelessness including: <br /> • Building partnership and collaboration among homeless housing and service providers; <br /> • Applications for federal funding (approx. $700,000 annually) and pursuing other funding <br /> sources; <br /> • Promoting evidence-based practices; <br /> • Determining unmet needs of those experiencing or at-risk of homelessness and developing <br /> strategies to fill those needs; and <br /> • Collecting homelessness data. <br /> The evolution of the Partnership reflects the progress it has made over the past six (6) years as <br /> well as changes in the national approach to ending homelessness. These changes are mirrored <br /> in the updated MOU — specifically, from ending chronic homelessness in 10 years to ending all <br /> homelessness on an ongoing basis. <br /> Jamie Rowe said the $700,000 in funding supports the Continuum of Care Program, and <br /> the Emergency Solutions Grant. She said this money helps pay for emergency shelters, and <br /> provides housing vouchers for people who are disabled and homeless. She said funding also <br /> pays for the Rapid Re-housing program, which helps about 30 people annually. <br /> Commissioner Rich said she was on the partnership when she was on the Chapel Hill <br /> Town Council, and she participated in the initiative to count the homeless. She said the <br /> program does an amazing job with this collection of data. She said this program is very <br /> successful. <br /> Commissioner Price thanked the Partnership for their work. She asked about the data in <br /> the MOU. She said the percentages are pro-rated according to the 2010 census, and she <br /> wonders what happens when the homeless move from place to place and these numbers <br /> change. <br /> Mary Jane Seyda said the monies put in by the municipalities are for the Programs <br /> Coordinator position. She said the work groups are just providing services for any homeless <br /> person, and this does not involve tracking where the person is from. She said funding is based <br /> on the number of people that actually live in the towns. <br /> Commissioner Price asked about the chain of command related to the coordinator's <br /> position. She asked for clarification on item 3a in the MOU and the terminology used. <br /> Jamie Rohe said there is an Executive Team made up of the 4 elected officials, and then <br /> there is a Leadership Team, or Board of Directors, with 20 members. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said the coordinator position has been moved from the housing <br /> department to be under the County Manager. She said this is a coordinator position, so it does <br /> not involve supervisory responsibilities. She said the coordinator reports directly to the County <br /> Manager. <br /> Commissioner Price asked about the wording that refers to supervising of"town or <br /> County staff." <br /> Commissioner Pelissier said it is because, being a partnership, it is possible for a staff <br /> member from Chapel Hill to attend their meetings. She said, for example, Chapel Hill can ask <br /> this staff person to help Jamie Rohe, but Jamie Rohe will have no supervisory responsibilities <br /> over this person. <br /> Commissioner Jacobs asked for the names of the other elected members. <br />