Minutes 06-12-2014
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes 06-12-2014
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11/24/2015 11:31:58 AM
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3/4/2015 8:31:41 AM
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Agenda - 06-12-2014 - Agenda
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2014\Agenda - 06-12-2014 - Budget Work Session
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Chair Jacobs and Clarence Grier discussed the financial responsibility that the County <br /> has shown in building up a substantial fund balance that has been used in lieu of a tax increase <br /> for several years now. <br /> Clarence Grier said a 2 cent tax increase, plus the manager's recommendation and $1 <br /> million from the fund balance should be enough to fully fund schools. <br /> Commissioner McKee asked what the $7.1 million in funding will equate to in per pupil <br /> funding increase. <br /> Michael Talbert said full funding would be $314 per pupil. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said she believes a 2 cent tax increase is needed. <br /> Clarence Grier clarified that a 2 cent tax increase, plus the manager's recommendation, <br /> and $1,148,000 would fully fund the higher request of$7.3 million, and the increase of$314 per <br /> pupil. <br /> Commissioner McKee said he has a problem with this, because this is above the amount <br /> that the CHCCS superintendent recommended to his board and what Orange County asked for. <br /> He said this sets a bad precedent. He said the total amount needs to be set for what is needed, <br /> and some money can be set aside. <br /> Discussion ensued regarding the amount of funding per pupil for the different proposed <br /> scenarios. A break was taken to calculate these numbers for further discussion. <br /> Michael Talbert said the $7.7 million requested by the CHCCS includes $2.2 million to <br /> help re-build their fund balance. <br /> Tom Forcella said, with the requested amount, CHCCS's fund balance would be at the <br /> minimum that it needs to be, but it would not be at $2.2 million over the minimum. He said the <br /> $2.2 million would be for positions that are being paid for in the current year, and there would not <br /> be additional money in the fund balance. <br /> Todd Lofriese said the estimated year end fund balance would be below the 5.5 percent <br /> target, which would equate to $3 million. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said CHCCS has a policy regarding this 5.5 percent, and there is <br /> no flexibility to go into this money. <br /> Chair Jacobs said the goal of these policies is for the school systems to be able to cover <br /> their bills, and any shortfall would be up to the County. <br /> Clarence Grier reviewed the above chart regarding the different scenarios for tax <br /> increases and funding. <br /> Commissioner McKee made a motion, seconded by Commissioner Price to go with a <br /> 1.75 cent tax increase; $1 million from fund balance, and $2.8 million from the manager's <br /> recommendation. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said additional revenue is needed for both school districts. She <br /> would argue for a 2 cent tax increase to generate more revenue. <br /> Commissioner McKee said a 2 cent tax increase is a psychological barrier for many <br /> people who live on modest incomes in Orange County. <br /> Commissioner Rich said the 1.75 cent or the 2 cent tax increase make the most sense. <br /> She leans toward the 2 cent increase since it seems the most prudent to avoid coming back to <br /> do this again next year. <br /> Commissioner porosin said he feels it would be best to do a 2 cent tax increase. He said <br /> a general property tax increase has not been done in several years, and this is where the weight <br /> of addressing the funding should be. He said it is important to note the extraordinary moment <br /> that the County is in, and he does not think that this sets a precedent. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier agreed with Commissioner porosin's comments. She said she <br /> agrees that there are lower income residents in the County, but there have been additions to the <br />
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