Orange County NC Website
3,276,482.00 <br /> 911,124.00 <br /> Michael Talbert said if taxes were raised 1.5 cents, it would bring in $2,457,000, which <br /> would equate to an additional $121 per pupil. He said a full 2 cent tax increase would generate <br /> $3,276,483, which would add an additional $162 per pupil. <br /> Michael Talbert said if the County wants to fully fund schools, it would equate to a tax <br /> increase of 2.71 cents. <br /> He said the County could levy a tax and put the funds into a reserve account (similar to <br /> the social justice fund) until the legislative budget is adopted and then come back in September <br /> to allocate all or part of this to the schools. He said he would not recommend using the $1.9 <br /> million in unassigned fund balance, as this is a safety net for dealing with emergencies during <br /> the year without violating the 17 percent goal. <br /> Chair Jacobs said he wanted to clarify that this Board has not had a discussion on how to <br /> fund schools yet. <br /> Discussion ensued regarding clarification of the above spreadsheet. <br /> Commissioner Gordon suggested fully funding the original request from the schools, and <br /> then putting money aside in reserves to deal with the unknown. <br /> Commissioner porosin clarified that any funds generated by a tax increase would be split <br /> equitably between the two schools systems. <br /> Clarence Grier said at some point in time, the County will need to generate revenues to <br /> replace the general fund revenues that are used. He said $9.1 million is approximately 6.5 cents <br /> on the current tax rate, which would be hard to make up through under spending in future years. <br /> Clarence Grier responded to Commissioner porosin's concerns about equitable <br /> distribution of funds. He said whatever is done, all funds will be divided on an ADM basis <br /> between the Chapel Hill Carrboro City Schools (CHCCS) and Orange County Schools (OCS). <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that it is almost certain that the school districts are going to <br /> take a hit from the state budget, so even if the County "overfunds," it is almost certain the funds <br /> will be needed. <br /> Commissioner McKee suggested that the Board start with the $2.8 million recommended <br /> by the manager, proceed with a 1.5 cent tax increase, and take $1 million out of the fund <br /> balance. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier proposed a 2 cent tax increase, to be directly allocated, with <br /> additional money reserved from the fund balance to use as needed, based on what happens in <br /> the general assembly. <br /> Commissioner porosin proposed either a 2 cent tax increase, with $1.5 million being <br /> taken from the fund balance, or a 2.5 cent tax increase, with $1 million taken from the fund <br /> balance. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said she believes the County needs more revenue, and she would <br /> support a tax increase of at least 2 cents. She said the original requests of the school system <br /> should be fully funded. She would support a tax increase up to 2.5 cents. <br /> Commissioner Rich said she is not in favor of raising taxes more than 2 cents. She likes <br /> the combination of using some of the fund balance, but she is wary of using too much, as this <br /> money needs to be available for other emergencies. <br /> Chair Jacobs said he is comfortable with a 2 cent tax increase, and he would be <br /> comfortable taking as much as $1 million from the fund balance, but this can be discussed. <br />