Minutes 06-12-2014
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes 06-12-2014
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11/24/2015 11:31:58 AM
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3/4/2015 8:31:41 AM
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childcare. She said it is likely that the County will be told to stop serving people with children <br /> over the age of 5 who are over 133 percent of poverty level. She said the County is currently <br /> serving about 125 kids over the age of 5 who fit in that category and would be cut from the state <br /> funding. She said funding for all of these children would total about $200,000 for part-time day <br /> care. She said that does not factor taking any more children into the program. <br /> Commissioner McKee asked if the County can re-structure their County programs to <br /> support these people. <br /> Nancy Coston said yes. She said the County can have their own local polices that are <br /> funded locally. <br /> Nancy Coston said a total of 850 children are being served now, and there are 85 on the <br /> waiting list <br /> Chair Jacobs said the original discussion was to allocate $170,000 of a possible <br /> $650,000. He suggested that the remainder be allocated to the social justice fund, or separation <br /> of what will be needed for childcare, with the remainder placed in the social justice fund. <br /> Nancy Coston said there is funding for child welfare to help make up for some of the cuts <br /> that the County experienced a couple of years ago. She said another approach would be to <br /> allow the flexibility for some of those funds to come back to childcare. <br /> Commissioner McKee said he would support putting the rest of the $650,000 into the <br /> social justice fund since there is no way to know what the County will face in this next year. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier asked Nancy Coston if there is any way to project how much of <br /> the child welfare funds could be transferred to child care. <br /> Nancy Coston said there is a formula used to fund this program, and she does not know <br /> this formula. She said it will be less than the childcare amount needed, and she guesses it will <br /> be around $100,000. She said this will not be known until the fall <br /> Commissioner Pelissier noted that Commissioner McKee's suggestion would add about <br /> $414, 587 into the social justice fund for DSS needs. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier said she was not sure she would want to allocate the whole <br /> amount. She feels that whatever dollar amount is allocated, the usage should be clarified. <br /> Chair Jacobs said the Board could pass something to authorize the DSS director to <br /> appropriate funds as needed over the summer to address childcare needs created by the state <br /> legislature. <br /> Commissioner porosin said he would be in favor of putting some of the money into DSS <br /> now. He suggested an amount of$100,000. <br /> Michael Talbert asked what would be needed to get through the summer. <br /> Nancy Coston said she is not sure what kids will come up in the summer, but the cost will <br /> be higher. She said it would be great to have the money, but the budget can be adjusted as <br /> things move along. She said she would guess that it would be no more than $40,000 in the <br /> summer. <br /> Commissioner Price asked about the effects of the possible state cuts on staffing. <br /> Nancy Coston said so far she has not seen this affect her staffing. <br /> Commissioner Price said she is willing to do whatever needs to be done for the children. <br /> Commissioner Rich said she likes the idea of keeping the bulk amount in the social <br /> justice fund and allowing Nancy Coston to appropriate what she needs up to a certain amount <br /> for the summertime. She asked how much money comes in through grants. <br /> Nancy Coston said the childcare program does not get very many donations. <br /> Chair Jacobs suggested putting the $414,000 into the social justice fund and allocating <br /> $64,000 to DSS on June 17th for the summer coverage. <br /> The Board expressed their agreement. <br />
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