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Commissioner Rich asked for an explanation of the salaries that cannot be changed. <br /> Brenda Bartholomew said these are the positions listed on the back side of the page, <br /> under the Workforce Investment Act or the Work First Program, under the DSS heading. <br /> Michael Talbert said, as part of the grant, if these employees are paid more than the <br /> specified amount it would affect some of their other benefits. <br /> Commissioner porosin asked if the positions listed on the back page were included as <br /> part of the budget proposal. <br /> Brenda Bartholomew said these were not included. <br /> Cheryl Young said the Department of Environment Agriculture, Parks and Recreation <br /> (DEAPR) employees were included in the budget, but not the Work First employees, due to the <br /> grant restrictions. <br /> Commissioner porosin asked about the Enterprise Fund employees. <br /> Cheryl Young said these were included in the budget. <br /> Commissioner porosin said it would be good to know how many of these 161 temp <br /> employees are full time or time limited. <br /> Cheryl Young said there are 4 temporary employees who work more than 30 hours per <br /> week, because these people are retirees and get benefits. She said there are a large number of <br /> seasonal employees with other jobs. <br /> Commissioner porosin said he would like to know how many hours these employees are <br /> working. He said there needs to be a longer discussion about appropriate compensation. <br /> Cheryl Young said a spreadsheet could be provided that lists the hours being worked for <br /> each position. <br /> Chair Jacobs said this discussion about temporary employees could be added to a fall <br /> work session. <br /> Cheryl Young said almost a hundred temporary employees are already making the <br /> required $12.76. <br /> Brenda Bartholomew said the total amount required to move everyone up to a wage of <br /> $12.76 per hour is $75,000, but $10,000 has already been budgeted, so the amount would be <br /> about $65,000. <br /> Clarence Grier said the actual amount for the general fund would be $62,650, and the <br /> remaining amount of$2,001.76 would go to the Enterprise Fund. <br /> Commissioner McKee asked if this is to be increased now or if it will be left for a decision <br /> next year. <br /> Commissioner porosin said he feels this should be increased now to $12.76 per hour. <br /> He said the broader conversation about temporary employees could be had later. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said she would like to get through the budget first before making a <br /> decision on this issue. She said people in the schools are losing their jobs, so she would like to <br /> see the bigger picture before deciding. <br /> Chair Jacobs suggested that this could be a decision item on June 17tn <br /> Commissioner Pelissier said she would like to decide tonight. <br /> Commissioner McKee agreed with Commissioner Pelissier. He feels this decision should <br /> be made tonight. <br /> Chair Jacobs agreed. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said she wanted to get through all of the steps of this budget first <br /> before making a decision. <br /> Chair Jacobs said the majority of the group agreed to this proposal for $65,000, and if <br /> Commissioner Gordon would like to revisit this at the end of the meeting, there could be another <br /> discussion. <br /> Nancy Coston gave an update on state cuts and the impacts to childcare and social <br /> services. She said it looks like the Senate and the House will change the income eligibility for <br />