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Dr. Bill Ingram said a new building is not needed now, but it will be needed within the <br /> next 4 to 6 years. He said Orange County is not likely to take this as a bond issue separate <br /> from the one proposed in 2016. <br /> Commissioner Pelissier asked if a recent survey has been done with students to find <br /> out hard facts on the transit needs. <br /> Dr. Bill Ingram said this has not been done. He said this might be easier for Triangle <br /> Transit to track this once the free transit passes are given to students. <br /> Chair Jacobs said part of the bond process will be for Durham Tech to come up with a <br /> figure. He said this can be incorporated into a bond committee. <br /> Dr. Ingram said this past year the college has decided to update their strategic plan and <br /> will be asking the Orange County community to help them think through this plan. <br /> • Orange County Schools - Pg. 124 & 204 <br /> Chair ponna Coffey expressed appreciation for the opportunity to share information on <br /> the budget request. She said the task of balancing needs with available money is not an easy <br /> one. She encouraged the Board to step outside of the 48.1 percent funding target to look at <br /> the schools' true needs. She said the days of relying on the state legislature are gone. <br /> Chair ponna Coffey said the most recent state senate budget cuts 7,400 teacher <br /> assistants. She outlined some of the additional cuts in the senate budget. <br /> She said there are also facility needs that go far beyond the current money available. <br /> She said the number of students is projected to rise, and these students must be served. She <br /> asked the Board to invest in these children. <br /> Interim Superintendent Del Burns reviewed several PowerPoint slides outlining the <br /> impact of state legislation on the Orange County Schools' budget. He said their budget <br /> request was for an increase to $2.8 million. He said, as of last June 30th, the operating fund <br /> balance was $5.8 million, and $3.3 million of this is assigned. He said this leaves only $2.5 <br /> million unassigned fund balance, and if nothing changes this will be reduced by $950,000. <br /> He reviewed additional information on the impact of the state senate budget. He said <br /> the highest impact would be felt in the teaching assistant positions in Kindergarten through 3�a <br /> grade. He noted that driver education is unfunded, and cuts to transportation will impact bus <br /> maintenance. <br /> Interim Superintendent Del Burns said the total impact is $2.1 million, and in order to <br /> deal with these changes and account for student growth and other needs, $30 million would be <br /> required for Orange County Schools for next year. <br /> Commissioner porosin asked about the cuts to teacher assistants. He said he thought <br /> the senate budget proposed only eliminating assistants in 2nd and 3�d grade. <br /> Interim Superintendent Del Burns said Orange County uses teacher assistants in <br /> Kindergarten through 3rd, and the allotment formula addresses what Commissioner porosin <br /> shared. <br /> Commissioner Price asked for an explanation of the $950,000 mentioned earlier. <br /> Del Burns said when the budget was developed there were needs that were <br /> established from DPI projections, and then there were expansion requests. He said this was <br /> put together, and there was a number. He said staff looked at this and decided that based on <br /> the amount of unassigned fund balance it would be prudent to use $950,000 in fund balance <br /> in order to reduce their request to the Board of County Commissioners. <br /> Commissioner McKee questioned whether there are any anticipated surprises, since <br /> the student growth has not been anticipated by SAPFO, <br /> Del Burns said he thinks the growth is projected to be 197 students. <br />