Orange County NC Website
Commissioner Gordon asked where to look for a list of new positions for each <br /> department. <br /> Paul Laughton said this can be found in the budget summary on the list of positions on <br /> page 40. <br /> Chair Jacobs asked if the department had budgeted for run-offs for the sheriff's <br /> position. Tracy Reams said yes. She said that was budgeted for this current fiscal year, <br /> and the funding will be rolled over to cover the run-off. <br /> Chair Jacobs asked if there was a post election summary of ballots cast, changes in <br /> laws, and the number of residents without valid identification. <br /> Tracy Reams said yes, and she will provide this. <br /> Commissioner Price asked about the capital outlay. <br /> Darryl Butts said the large portion is replacing 35 laptops that were grant funded, as <br /> well as 10 printers and a call system for one stop voting. <br /> Tracy Reams said the replacement laptops were to replace older laptops purchased <br /> with state funded money in 2008. <br /> Tracy Reams referred to the staff addition. She said she would like the Board to be <br /> aware that she has three people on her staff who could retire today based on age and years of <br /> service. She said the additional staff person would be a benefit to not only her office but to the <br /> County as a whole. <br /> Commissioner Rich asked if any of the potential retirees are in positions that would be <br /> hard to replace. <br /> Tracy Reams said yes. <br /> • Child Support Enforcement, Pg. 91 <br /> Tonya Walton said Child Support Services has a cost increase of approximately <br /> $1,700. She said the key budget expense drivers are Cost of Living Adjustments (COLA) and <br /> operational increases. <br /> Janet Sparks said the cost allocation has just come in, and because of the roll forward, <br /> there will be a substantial increase of 1.469 percent, which will be a $400,000 increase. She <br /> said there will be a 66 percent reimbursement from the state. <br /> Cooperative Extension, Pg. 94 <br /> Darrell Butts said the 2014-15 budget has a net change, which is a County decrease of <br /> just under $45,000. He said this is due to an expenditure decrease of approximately $30,000 <br /> and a revenue increase of$15,000. He said the driver was the transfer of a position to <br /> economic development and the elimination of a County operations support staff position. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked about the new cooperative extension position and why it <br /> was not on the list. <br /> Paul Laughton said that was done this fiscal year. <br /> • County Attorney's Office, Pg. 99-John Roberts <br /> Tonya Walton said this 2014-15 budget has seen a net County increase of$14,600. <br /> She said this is mostly due to cost of living adjustment, as well as a slight operations increase. <br /> John Roberts said the operations increase is for digitizing contracts. He said he had <br /> originally asked for $20,000 for staff salary adjustments, but Human Resources has analyzed <br /> the positions and says only one position was in need of a salary adjustment. <br /> Tonya Walton said there are monies in non-departmental for this and not in his budget. <br /> • Health Department, Pg. 305 <br />