Minutes 05-29-2014
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes 05-29-2014
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11/24/2015 11:28:51 AM
Creation date
3/4/2015 8:07:50 AM
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Public Hearing
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Jane Kerwin thanked the Board for their support and their time. She said all of the <br /> people here are Orange County residents, and the two school districts are one community. She <br /> asked the Board to fully fund the schools' budget requests. <br /> Jim Siplon said he came there to thank the Board as they find themselves in the midst of <br /> this maelstrom. He said fortune does not pick its time, but the Board has a responsibility to <br /> lead, and it is hard. He thanked the Board in advance for the courage it takes to make the long <br /> term investments. <br /> James Barrett delivered to the Board the names of 223 citizens who are out in the <br /> hallway. He said everyone is here because they value education. <br /> Steve Marshall thanked the Board for their past support and their current help. He said <br /> the art wing at Carrboro High School has become a home for many kids, including his son. He <br /> said his son will go to the School of the Arts next year to begin his education in theater arts as a <br /> result of the education he has received in the public schools. <br /> Michele Smith is a parent of a child in the CHCCS. She said she does not make a lot of <br /> money, but she stays here because of the schools. She is afraid the schools will lose teachers, <br /> and this will affect her child. The teachers are being asked to do more with less, and this is not <br /> fair. She asked the Board to fully fund the schools. <br /> David Schwartz is a resident of Chapel Hill, a product of the CHCCS, and parent of a <br /> child there. He asked the Board to fully fund the schools' requested budget. He said he wished <br /> the schools would be more ambitious in asking for money, so that there would not be a need for <br /> so many fundraisers. He said he hoped the Board would prioritize any tax increments received <br /> back from the re-development of Ephesus Fordham area to be dedicated first to the schools. <br /> Elizabeth Losos said she is a parent of two students, and she supports fully funding the <br /> schools. She works internationally, and she sees many other countries that are putting more <br /> money into education. She said this is an opportunity to stay at the top in funding education. <br /> PUBLIC COMMENTS SENT IN VIA EMAIL <br /> From: Ken and Charlotte Pearce <br /> Phone Number: 919-969-8119 <br /> Message: <br /> Dear Orange County Commissioners, <br /> We are writing to express concern over the proposed funding to the Chapel Hill Carrboro City <br /> Schools system for the upcoming year. When we moved here 16 years ago, we picked the <br /> Chapel Hill/Carrboro area because of the excellent reputation of its schools. Having excellent <br /> schools drives the economy and makes people want to live and work in the area. It is <br /> heartbreaking to see the hits to education that have occurred recently in our state. We would <br /> gladly support an increase in taxes and efficient use of the funds to support our schools <br /> adequately. We strongly recommend funding CHCCS at the full amount proposed by the <br /> superintendent and school board. Thank you for your consideration and we look forward to the <br /> discussion this week on the budget. <br /> Sincerely, <br /> Ken and Charlotte Pearce <br /> Dear Orange County Commissioners: <br /> I am writing to ask that you fully fund the requested per-pupil allocation for the Chapel Hill <br /> Carrboro Schools in the 2014-15 Orange County budget. I understand that this involves a <br /> significant increase over the County Manager's recommended $95 per pupil allocation. <br /> I live in the Chapel Hill Carrboro School district and have a seven-year old who attends Morris <br /> Grove Elementary. Last year I was disheartened that our Governor and state legislature opted <br /> to permanently cut so much funding for our public schools. Now, I have learned that the <br />
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