Minutes 05-29-2014
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes 05-29-2014
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Last modified
11/24/2015 11:28:51 AM
Creation date
3/4/2015 8:07:50 AM
Meeting Type
Public Hearing
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Anna Richards is a new resident, a parent of a freshman at Carrboro high school, and a <br /> volunteer at that school. She requested full funding for the CHCCS. She said the impact goes <br /> beyond the schools and impacts the community as well. <br /> Faith Nager is a parent and graduate of East Chapel Hill High school. She said her son <br /> has high functioning autism; however, because of the care and diligence of the teachers in this <br /> school district, he is a contributing member of society. She asked the Board to fully fund the <br /> schools. <br /> Laura Hayes Morgan is a parent of CHCCS students. She said this problem is laid at <br /> the Board's feet because of the state budget decisions. She said full funding is needed for their <br /> staff, and this cannot be done with box tops and bake sales. She asked the Board to do what it <br /> takes to fully fund the schools. <br /> Mary Jean Seyda is the Chair of the Orange County Partnership to End Homelessness. <br /> She said their top priority this year was affordable rental housing. She read from the following <br /> letter, which was sent to all of the municipalities: <br /> We, the Leadership Team of the Orange County Partnership to End Homelessness (OCPEH), <br /> support a dedicated funding source for affordable housing in our community. We believe that <br /> access to a wide range of housing opportunities, spanning all income levels, strengthens the <br /> fabric of our neighborhoods and makes our community stronger. Experience shows that when <br /> affordable housing is attained, people put down roots and become connected to their <br /> community. <br /> We also support funding for affordable rental housing for persons who are homeless and those <br /> who have disabilities. We have observed directly the impact that access to safe, adequate <br /> housing can have for our homeless and /or disabled neighbors: health and well-being can be <br /> enhanced significantly by something as simple as having a kitchen in which to cook food, a <br /> refrigerator for medications, and a safe place to sleep. Additionally, the access to schools, a <br /> strong healthcare systems, faith-based communities, and employment opportunities, helps to <br /> move the focus from crisis intervention to a focus on recovery and participation in community <br /> life. <br /> We urge Orange County to consider all options that could provide more affordable housing to <br /> our most vulnerable citizens. <br /> Signed, <br /> Mary Jean Seyda, CASA, OCPEH Chair <br /> Tim Copeland said no one wants to pay more taxes but everyone is willing to pay more <br /> taxes if that has to be done. He said the ripple effect of not fully funding the schools will cost far <br /> more. He asked the Board to be bold and to fully fund the schools. <br /> Tina Smith is the mother two students in the CHCCS. She noted that this room is full; <br /> the hallway is full of about 250 people; and the parking lot is also full. She said she spent about <br /> five hours calling parents in the community yesterday about this public hearing. She said one <br /> call stuck with her. She said that caller said they were leaving the district next year because <br /> they felt the public education was no longer worth the value of living here. She said the Board <br /> cannot let this be true, and there is nothing more important than exceptional education in <br /> Orange County. She said funding schools must be the highest priority. She said the property <br /> taxes exist because of the exceptional schools. She asked the Board to be creative to fully fund <br /> schools and make a statement about the priority of education in Orange County. <br /> Rachel Danner is a student at Chapel Hill High School. She asked the Board to fully <br /> fund both school districts. <br /> Courtney Limerick's daughter attends the CHCCS. She said funding the budget is a way <br /> to show support for their teachers, and she asked the Board to fully fund schools. <br /> Joyce Kuhn handed out letters regarding support for Pre-Trial Relief Services. <br />
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