Orange County NC Website
M <br />Special Revenue Projects (Article 46 Sales Tax Proceeds) — Highlights <br />The Special Revenue section includes anticipated revenue from the Article 46 (1/4 cent) Sales <br />Tax, with 50% of the proceeds for Economic Development initiatives and 50% for Education <br />(allocated by the ADM count of the two school districts). In FY 2015 -16, proceeds are <br />estimated at $2,814,576, with 1.5% growth assumed in subsequent years. A summary is <br />provided within the Special Revenue Projects section of the document listing the recommended <br />uses of these proceeds. <br />Proprietary Projects — Highlights <br />Water & Sewer Utilities: <br />Buckhorn EDD — Phase 2 Extension (Efland Sewer to Mebane) — includes $240,000 in Year 1 <br />(FY 2015 -16) for project management funds related to the construction of the project, which will <br />be completed in FY 2015 -16; this continues to fit into the long range strategy to ultimately turn <br />over the operation of the Elfand sewer system to the Town of Mebane. <br />Hillsborough EDD — reflects funds of $1,000,000 in Year 1 (FY 2015 -16) for construction of <br />water and sewer infrastructure in this EDD. <br />Eno EDD — includes $1,050,000 in Year 1 (FY 2015 -16) to begin the construction work in this <br />EDD, as well as an additional $750,000 in Year 2 (FY 2016 -17) due to the planned construction <br />timeline crossing two fiscal years. Note: this project has been moved up 2 -3 years from the <br />current CIP, because there is a smaller area in the eastern portion of the EDD that could be <br />served by gravity sewer and may offer an opportunity to begin extending infrastructure within <br />the next two years. <br />Buckhorn- Mebane EDD Phases 3 and 4 — includes $2,500,000 in Year 4 (FY 2018 -19) for the <br />Buckhorn- Mebane Phases 3 and 4 construction projects. Note: this project has been moved <br />back two years from the current CIP to allow for the operation of Phase 2 for a period of time <br />prior to starting Phases 3 and 4. <br />Economic Development Utility Extension Project(s) — provides funds of $250,000 in Year 1 (FY <br />2015 -16) for future economic development projects that are currently being considered, but <br />have not been finalized. If no project develops in the coming year, which requires utility <br />extension, the funds would be available for future years as needed. <br />Solid Waste: <br />Sanitation — The current FY 2014 -15 funds of approximately $3.1 million includes improvements <br />to the Eubanks Road Solid Waste Convenience Center (SWCC), including the relocation of the <br />main landfill entrance and scales from the south side to the north side of Eubanks Road; funds <br />of $296,035 in Year 1 (FY 2015 -16) for the replacement of a front end loader; Year 2 (FY 2016- <br />17) includes $519,750 for SWCC improvements at the High Rock Road site; and Year 3 (FY <br />2017 -18) includes $393,750 for SWCC improvements at the Ferguson Road site. <br />Recycling Operations — The current FY 2014 -15 includes the purchase of a replacement roll off <br />truck and a commercial recycling truck, and the purchase of 7,600 rural recycling carts, at a <br />total cost of $880,203. Year 1 (FY 2015 -16) provides for the purchase of 1,750 additional rural <br />carts, the purchase of a new rural curbside recycling truck, the replacement of a rural curbside <br />