Orange County NC Website
M <br />DRAFT <br />Attachment 1 <br />ORANGE COUNTY NOVEMBER 2016 BOND REFERENDUM <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS CHARGE TO <br />THE CAPITAL NEEDS ADVISORY TASK FORCE <br />The Orange County Board of Commissioners has initially indicated its <br />intention to appoint a Capital Needs Advisory Task Force to review <br />school and County capital needs and provide advice to the Board <br />concerning the composition of a proposed November 2016 Orange <br />County bond referendum. Items recommended to the County for <br />inclusion in this possible bond issue will be referred to the Task Force <br />for review and prioritization along with other proposed <br />recommendations. As part of the Task Force's appointment and its <br />efforts, the Board directs that the Task Force focus on specific criteria <br />and utilize current policies and documents to guide its work. These <br />parameters for Task Force work are detailed in the charge below. <br />Upon approval of the charge, it will be delivered to the Task Force so <br />that the members can begin reviewing the necessary information, <br />applying the criteria, and formulating proposed recommendations to <br />the Board of Commissioners. The Task Force will consider all <br />recommendations and submit a prioritized list to the Board of <br />Commissioners for consideration for bond issue. In its deliberations, <br />the Board of Commissioners will consider the County's Finance and <br />Administrative Services Department's initial estimate of the potential <br />tax rate impacts from the debt service of approximately $125 million <br />for the total bond package. <br />The Capital Needs Advisory Task Force will be charged with the <br />following: <br />• Review the capital needs for new and older schools as identified <br />by the Orange County and Chapel Hill - Carrboro City Schools <br />• Review the capital needs identified by County departments in <br />requests submitted for the 2015 -2020 Capital Investment Plan <br />