Agenda - 03-03-2015 - 7a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 03-03-2015 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 03-03-2015 - 7a
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Last modified
6/2/2015 8:57:42 AM
Creation date
2/27/2015 12:32:12 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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2015-366-E HR - Gallagher Benefit Services for consulting services $105,000
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Minutes 03-03-2015
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7 <br />x. Annual reviews of selected employee benefit package for quality of benefits <br />provided, cost effectiveness, competitiveness and plan administration. <br />xi. Monitor ongoing contracts, including provider plan administration, provider <br />compliance with contract, and incurred claims. <br />Ai. Provide information on employee benefit issues, trends, and proposed or new <br />legislation especially with regard to the Affordable Care Act (ACA). <br />xiii. Be available to meet with the Benefits staff and County Management as needed. <br />xiv. Assist in the design of employee benefits communications. Participate in Benefit <br />Fairs and annual enrollment process. <br />xv. Provide a key contact person to be available to answer questions and resolve issues <br />that arise during the year regarding employee benefits, contract administration, and <br />service provisions. <br />xvi. Evaluate various insurance products submitted by carriers, agents and brokers. <br />xvii. Perform other related consultation services as needed or requested. <br />xviii. Seek innovative programs and solutions of how Orange County provides health care <br />insurance to its employees and retirees. <br />xix. Administer and coordinate wellness initiatives to promote the County's Wellness <br />initiative programs as requested. <br />xx. Provide information necessary to reconcile health insurance billings and enrollments <br />monthly for all employees, retirees and their respective individual contributions and <br />the County's contribution and providing subsequent documentation for all programs <br />as requested. <br />xxi. Provide reports demonstrating breakdown of health plan expenditures, quarterly <br />review of health plan expenditures, large claims analysis, claims lag study, and <br />monthly cost summary for all plans and utilization reports as requested. <br />xxii. Provide sample plan of plan designs and comparison of benefit plan's performance to <br />national trends as requested. <br />xxiii. Administer COBRA and flexible spending account (Cafeteria 125 Plan) programs if <br />requested by the County. <br />b. Proposer's Experience <br />i. Provide the history of your firm, particularly your employee benefits division and <br />ownership of your company. <br />ii. Provide a brief overview of your organizational chart- the functions and reporting <br />relationships between marketing, underwriting and service areas. <br />iii. Include the number of employees in the company and describe in general terms their <br />job categories (e.g., management, sales, technical, customer service, etc.). <br />iv. Name those employees who will be working directly with Orange County on <br />administrative issues, questions, and /or problem solving. <br />v. State the percentage of your business that is experience —rated (pooled) and the <br />percentage that is self- funded. <br />vi. State the percentage of your experience -rated clients having 2,000 to 6,000 covered <br />employees. <br />vii. State the percentage of your self- funded clients having 2,000 to 6,000 covered <br />employees. <br />viii. Define your geographical service area. <br />
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