Orange County NC Website
M <br />II. Planned dates for this marketing process: <br />Activity Target Date <br />Qualifications and proposals received from firms. December 9, 2014 <br />Evaluation, possible interviews Late December 2014 <br />early January 2015 <br />Decision /Award notification date By late January 2015 <br />III. Qualifications <br />1. Orange County requires a North Carolina licensed Broker of Record who is independent and is not <br />affiliated with any insurance company, third party administrative agency, or provider network. The <br />Broker must demonstrate that they have the expertise, resources, capability, and experience to <br />provide the materials and services for employers with at least 900 employees and approximately <br />150 pre 65 retirees. Such qualifications must be fully evident within the proposal. <br />2. Each Proposer shall provide a statement of qualifications as required by these specifications. <br />a. Proposal offers examples of proposer's experience in similar projects. <br />b. Proposal clearly defines organization of agency, listing management and staff and explains <br />history and structure of company. <br />c. Proposal shows demonstrated capabilities (i.e. financial solvency, client base, network <br />capabilities etc.) <br />3. Orange County may make such investigations it deems necessary to determine the ability of the <br />Proposer to perform the work. The County reserves the right to reject any Proposal if the <br />information submitted by, or investigation of such Proposer fails to satisfy the County that such <br />Proposer is properly qualified to carry out the obligations of the contract and to complete the work <br />contemplated therein. Conditional Proposals will not be accepted. <br />4. Proposal demonstrates the proposer's comprehension of the required work outlined in the Purpose <br />and Scope of Services of this request for proposal. Further, the submitted proposal offers a <br />comprehensive plan to meet the County's insurance requirements. <br />5. The awarded Broker shall, at his or her own expense, maintain in effect at all times during the <br />performance of the work under this contract at least the insurance coverage specified in the <br />insurance requirements as included in the attached referenced sample contract. The Broker shall <br />file with the Orange County Purchasing Agent evidence of insurance certifying the required <br />coverage. Professional Liability or Errors and Omissions Insurance is required as per the attached. <br />Proof of ability to obtain Professional Liability Insurance is required to be submitted with the <br />proposal. <br />IV. Requirements of proposals <br />When providing your proposal and business references, consideration should be given to the following: <br />Orange County is located on the edge of the Research Triangle Park. With more than 130,000 residents; <br />