Orange County NC Website
13 <br />Attachment 4 <br />Exhibit C <br />Phasing Plan for Hollow Rock Park and Natural Area <br />Phase la- Infrastructure, amenities, and site work already completed or <br />allowable under RTP Grant. <br />• Additional Survey work - Cultural & Archaeological (Completed) <br />• Land Acquisition (TLC Parcel in Orange County) (Completed) <br />• Bridge Engineering Design Work <br />• Parking Lot Preliminary Design Work (Site Plan, Engineering, Approvals, Topo Survey and <br />Soil Borings) <br />• Entrance Driveway and Parking(Gravel /HC Paved /Wheel Stops) <br />• Entrance and Directional Signage <br />• Nature Trail Pedestrian Bridges (4) on east side of Pickett Rd. <br />Phase lb - Additional Amenities <br />• Site Amenities - Picnic Tables, Waste /Recycling Receptacles, and Dog Waste Receptacles <br />• Interpretative Signage <br />• Restroom (vault type) and engineering <br />• Platform Overlooks for nature observation <br />• Nature Trail Bridges (2) on west side of Pickett Road <br />• Barn Renovation for Educational Use <br />• Accessible trail loop <br />Phase 2 <br />• Additional Survey work - Cultural & Archaeological and/or Topographic <br />• Hollow Rock Store relocation ((Friends of Hollow Rock Store is lead) <br />If Pickett Road is closed: <br />• Entrance Gate <br />• Parking (Gravel /HC paved /Wheel Stops) <br />• Top -dress gravel - Pickett Road <br />• New Entrance Sign /Directional Signage <br />