Orange County NC Website
9 <br />RES- 2015 -014 Attachment 3 <br />ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS <br />RESOLUTION ADOPTING AMENDED ORANGE UNIFIED TRANSPORTATION <br />BOARD (OUTBOARD) POLICIES AND PROCEDURES <br />WHEREAS, on November 8, 2012 the Orange County Board of County Commissioners <br />approved a specific Policies and Procedures document for the OUTBoard, with the <br />intent to give guidance in the performance of its duties, establishing its membership, <br />charge and goals; and <br />WHEREAS, proposed amendments to the OUTBoard Policies and Procedures <br />document would incorporate public health as an expertise or area of special interest, <br />and further broaden at -large membership opportunities of the Board; and <br />WHEREAS, North Carolina General Statute 153A -76 grants to boards of county <br />commissioners the broad authority to organize county government, including the <br />authority to "create, change, abolish, and consolidate offices, positions, departments, <br />boards, commissions, and agencies of the county government, may impose ex officio <br />the duties of more than one office on a single officer, may change the composition and <br />manner of selection of boards, commissions, and agencies, and may generally organize <br />and reorganize the county government.... "; <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Orange County Board of County <br />Commissioners, pursuant to North Carolina General Statute 153A -22, adopts the <br />amendment to Section III.B. of the Orange Unified Transportation Board (OUTBoard) <br />Policies and Procedures; and <br />BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, in determining whether there is a conflict between or <br />among a governing ordinance and the terms of the amended Orange Unified <br />Transportation Board (OUTBoard) Policies and Procedures document, staff may consult <br />with the County attorney, who shall take into consideration the intent of the Board of <br />County Commissioners, in assisting staff to resolve the conflict. <br />Adopted this 3rd day of March, 2015. Attest: <br />Earl McKee, Chair <br />Orange County Board of County Commissioners Clerk to the Board of County <br />Commissioners <br />