Orange County NC Website
01 <br />Small Grant Applicants (Up to $1,000) — Complete Questions 1 -5 <br />Large Grant Applicants ($1,001- 10,000) — Complete Questions 1 -12 <br />Please answer the followin_g questions on a separate sheet: <br />1. Briefly describe your project (250 words maximum): <br />2. Tell us about yourself. What is your farm and off -farm experience? What skills do you <br />have that will be useful to the successful completion of your project? (250 words <br />maximum) <br />3. How is your project different than what others in your community are already doing? <br />Are you aware of other farmers who are doing something similar? If so, where are they <br />located and what are they doing? Will your project fill an unfilled market niche? (250 <br />words maximum) <br />4. Describe in detail your plan for completing your project. Tell us the specific tasks to be <br />completed. Give dates by which you will complete them. (250 words maximum) <br />5. How will the new project fit into your existing farming operation? What are the labor <br />requirements of the new project? (250 words maximum) <br />6. What research have you done to determine if this project will work? Why do you <br />believe that this project can be successful? (250 words maximum) <br />7. How have you determined that there is a market demand for the products? Briefly <br />describe your marketing strategy. (250 words maximum) <br />8. If your project is successful, what might other farmers learn from your experience? Is <br />this an enterprise that could be duplicated by others without causing too much <br />competition? (250 words maximum) <br />9. In what areas do you believe you will need mentoring assistance in order to <br />successfully complete your project? Who have you identified to assist you in those <br />areas? Are those individuals aware of your project and have they agreed to help you? <br />(250 words maximum) <br />10. What is your goal for the project? If you are successful, how will the project contribute <br />to keeping you or others sustainably employed on the farm? (250 words maximum) <br />11. How much income do you expect to generate from the project annually? What other <br />sources of income will you have during the course of this project? (250 words maximum) <br />12. Are you leveraging funds from other sources aside from yourself? If yes, please note <br />the sources and approximate amounts. How much money are you personally investing <br />in this project? A farm business plan is encouraged. (250 words maximum) <br />