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11 <br /> I Commissioner Pelissier answered: <br /> 2 Alderman Damon Seils -Town of Carrboro <br /> 3 Council Member Sally Greene -Town of Chapel Hill <br /> 4 Commissioner Kathleen Ferguson - Town of Hillsborough <br /> 5 <br /> 6 Chair McKee said people often think of the homeless as those living in the woods or <br /> 7 sleeping in the alley, but it is his understanding that the homeless also includes those who are <br /> 8 "couch surfing." He asked for clarification on this. <br /> 9 Jamie Rohe said the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has a <br /> 10 restrictive definition of homelessness, which includes those people staying in emergency <br /> 11 shelters, transitional housing (which is really a long term shelter), and people living in places not <br /> 12 meant for human habitation. She said this does not include people who are in institutions. She <br /> 13 said this conservative definition is designed to be clear about who is receiving assistance, and <br /> 14 to make sure data is measurable. <br /> 15 Mary Jane Seyda said the number on the street is very conservative, as it does not <br /> 16 include these people who are just one night away from being on the street. <br /> 17 Jamie Rohe said their partnership is starting to look more closely at affordable housing <br /> 18 issues. <br /> 19 Commissioner Dorosin asked if there has been consideration of the tiny house <br /> 20 movement. <br /> 21 Commissioner Rich said she has asked the Board to look at information on the tiny <br /> 22 houses, and it should be coming back for discussion. <br /> 23 Commissioner Rich said it would be good to treat affordable housing as a County-wide <br /> 24 initiative, like the issue of homelessness. <br /> 25 Mary Jane Seyda said there have been discussions with the municipalities about this. <br /> 26 Jamie Rohe said every five years any jurisdiction that receives state and federal is <br /> 27 required to do a five year consolidated plan. She said the County is due to complete its updated <br /> 28 five year strategic plan. She said some of the home funding is used to give rental assistance to <br /> 29 the homeless, so the partnership is encouraging the town and the County to use this planning <br /> 30 tool to look at the current stock, the current needs and the big picture. <br /> 31 Bonnie Hammersley said Commissioner Pelissier had petitioned for Orange County to <br /> 32 take the lead in the affordable housing discussion with the Towns. She said the newly hired <br /> 33 Housing, Human Rights and Community Development Director, Audrey Spencer-Horsley, has a <br /> 34 strong background in this area. <br /> 35 Commissioner Pelissier said the Partnership to End Homelessness cannot be the <br /> 36 affordable housing entity for the entire County. She said the elected officials need to be <br /> 37 engaged in this as well. She said her petition also included a request for researching the idea of <br /> 38 tiny houses. <br /> 39 Chair McKee asked Audrey Spencer-Horsley if she would like to make any comments. <br /> 40 Audrey Spencer-Horsley, the new Housing, Human Rights and Community Development <br /> 41 Director, said she believes that problems are solved through collaboration to maximize <br /> 42 resources. She said she is excited about being a part of this conversation. <br /> 43 <br /> 44 A motion was made by Commissioner Pelissier, seconded by Commissioner Price for <br /> 45 the Board to adopt the updated Partnership to End Homelessness Memorandum of <br /> 46 Understanding and authorize the Chair to sign. <br /> 47 <br /> 48 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 49 <br /> 50 b. Recommended Uses of General Fund Unassigned Fund Balance as of June 30, <br /> 51 201 4 <br />