Orange County NC Website
MRR-11-2008 13 21 NC DOT GRAHAM 336 5?0 68?3 P.O2 <br />-- '" 25 <br />S~albject: Swallows ~Zid~e 1~TCDdT Comments devised <br />!)ate: '~ue,11 Maz~ 2OQ8 1 Q:34:55 -0800 <br />~'~om• "C. N. Ed~+rards" ~cnedwards( <br />CDrga~ation: Noxth. Carolina Deponent of Txansportation <br />'ra: Eddie Kixk <el~xrk~a>, "To~'ia C. Smith" ~tcsrn~ith u(,> <br />Eddie, <br />Pex Four regueat, I am sending revised comments for the w ove <br />subject which better states our position regarding the plan <br />submittal. It appears, based on the information provideem~t~ast the <br />subdivision could be designed to meet all NCDO'Z' requ' <br />1. Incomplete engineering drawings were provided for ISCLIQT <br />review of the internal streets. If the Developer wishes for these <br />road to be eligible for State Naintenance~ then it is necessary <br />fox him to submit complete engineering drawings fracessaT review <br />and approval in accordence with our established P <br />2. The plan appears to have a sufficient count to meet NCDOT <br />requirements. <br />3. Horizontal curve radii meet NCDO'~ requirements. <br />4. The location of the Proposed street connection with Univ. Sta. <br />road provides adequate intersection sight distance, however, the <br />location should be verified to assure there is na aonfliot with <br />existing cross drain. <br />5, It appears that R/w dedication of 35' from center is provided. <br />Provide irons at the property bcundariee at the R/i~. <br />6. Provide 10'X70' sight distance triangles at the Proposed <br />intersection. rovide 2° of asphalt suxface course <br />7. Revise typical. section to p <br />i <br />type SF9.5A in lieu of I-2. <br />$. It will be necessary to obtain NCDO`~ plan approval aa~d <br />driveway permit prior to performing work. <br />9. Koad improvements such as turn lames are not warranted for the <br />anticipated traffic impact of this development. <br />Feel. free to contact us if you have any questions <br />3/11!2008 10:35 AM <br />1 of 1 <br />TOTAL P.O2 <br />