Orange County NC Website
f~~Gf"~~t'~6'~'S- f ~~'" s~"~'"6~'~~t~~'~ C'~'~it~~'l~d- <br />b~b;r-~.v~.~e Gvagv~$~ <br />P.O. Box 8181, 300 W. Tryon St., Hillsborough, NC 27278 (919) 245-2660 <br />MEMORANDUM <br />To: Jennifer Leaf, Orange County Planner <br />From: Robb English, Chair <br />Recreation and Parks Advisory Council <br />Re: Swallows Ridge Subdivision Proposal <br />Date: September 25, 2007 <br />Thank you for the opportunity to review the concept plan for this subdivision. <br />23 <br />The concept plan for this 14 lot subdivision on 60.09 acres proposes 21.5 acres or 35.8% of the <br />property be set aside space to be conveyed to a homeowners association. The open <br />space area proposed provides resource conservation of stream corridors, wetlands, woodlands, <br />roadside buffers and property~line buffers as well as trail links around the property. <br />The Recreation and Parks Advisory Council tRPAC) concurs with the proposal for open space and <br />trail links as described on the concept plan. <br />RPAC finds that there is no land within or abutting the subdivision that has been identified as part <br />of a future park site, trail network, wildlife corridor network or future greenway in existing and <br />approved plans, maps or reports. Therefore, the Council recommends that the County accept <br />payment in lieu of publicly dedicated land. <br />cc: Lori Taft <br />