Orange County NC Website
Attachment 5 <br />®I~A.I`~C~ ~UUINTY <br />~I1I~IIi~®I~IR/i1~)~I`I" A.I~iD I~~SOUF~CI~ ~01`~IS]ER'SIATIOIy[ L7i'~P'AI~TMEfii'I' <br />1~11'~iNI014ANDUlM <br />TO: Jennifer Leaf, Current Planner <br />From: Rich Shaw, ERCD Land Conservation Manager <br />Date: January 10, 2008 <br />Subject: Swallow's Ridge Subdivision Proposal <br />Thank you for the opportunity to review the Preliminary Plan for the "Swallow's Ridge" <br />subdivision proposal. The proposal would create 14 lots on 60.09 acres located west of <br />University Station Road (Chapel Hill Township). <br />ERCD staff cornr~ents on subdivisions are generally to a) address any concerns with respect <br />to potential impacts on important natural or cultural resources, and b) identify any areas <br />that might be desirable for possible dedication to the County for public recreation/open <br />space pursuant to Section IV-B-7-b of the Orange County Subdivision Ordinance. <br />My comments are based on an examination of the Preliminary Plan for the proposed <br />subdivision (dated 12/11/07) and a review of ERCD's comprehensive resource database. <br />The plan would set aside 22.23 acres of Open Space (37.84%) along streams and public <br />roadways-a bit more than the required 33% (19.8 acres). The proposed Open Space is <br />comprised of forested land that helps to bufFer two small streams that flow from the <br />property into nearby Stony Creek (an Eno River tributary) and a forested bufFer along <br />University Station Road. . <br />There is no natural heritage site or proposed county wildlife corridor within or adjacent to <br />this property. There are no adopted plans for proposed greenway corridors in this area. <br />~"he preliminaay plan appears consistent with the Count~-'s desire to minimize <br />adverse environmental impacts with respect to the protection o~ floodp9ains, <br />wetlands, natural areas and wildlife habitat. <br />ERC® supports the proposed ®pen space remaining in private o~nrnership and <br />managed as common land (wildlife habitat and dow-impact recreation) by the <br />homeowners association. <br />If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at 245-2591. <br />cc: David Stancil <br />Lori Taft <br />Environment and Resource Conservation <br />PO Box 8181 / 308-A Revere Road <br />Hillsborough, NC 27278 <br />(919) 245-2590 <br />20 <br />