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13 <br />2 application, which incorporates review comments required by the State Historic <br />Preservation Office. Dickinson opened the public hearing. Mr. Lewis explained that he <br />was attending the meeting to express his concerns about the maintenance of a new well <br />that the owners of the school built on his property. Dickinson swore in Mr. Lewis as a <br />member of the public who wished to speak. Mr. Lewis described his difficulty in getting the <br />owners of the school to do some work on the shared well as promised. He is very much in <br />favor of the landmark designation and preserving the school but has these concerns. <br />Dickinson thanked him for his comments, then asked for a motion to approve the Part 2 <br />application. White moved to approve the final draft of the Part 2 application for the White <br />Cross School for recommendation to the Board of Commissioners for designation as an <br />Orange County Local Historic Landmark, based on the special significance described and <br />detailed therein; seconded by Golan. Motion passed. <br />ITEM #5: DISCUSSION ITEMS <br />a. Overview of Orange County historic resources for future publication: <br />Staff presented a PowerPoint program to provide an introduction to the process we will go <br />through as we review and evaluate our historic properties to determine which should be <br />recommended for inclusion in the future publication; The current Local Landmarks and NR <br />properties were viewed and described. Staff planned to show some of the Study List <br />properties, to highlight those deemed most important as a result of the 1992 -93 survey. <br />However, there was not enough time to view these at this meeting. Staff needs to check <br />on the tax status of the Faucette Mill House now that it is divided from the Chatwood <br />property. The Study List properties will be reviewed at the December meeting. <br />ITEM #6: UPDATES AND INFORMATION ITEMS <br />a. Survev Update Proiect status: <br />Staff has been working with the most qualified bidder and the State Historic Preservation <br />Office to confirm the final scope and develop a suitable contract. We hope to be able to <br />sign a contract and the project underway in the next couple of weeks. <br />b. Report from meeting with Hillsborough HDC re: historic resources book project <br />Dickinson reported on the outcome of our presentation to the Town's HDC at their Oct. 1St <br />meeting, asking them to join us in our book project. The feedback was positive. The HDC <br />requested that Town and County staff develop a plan to give them a better overall sense <br />of the project before they can make a final determination about participating. <br />c. Plans for a tour of the Hackney House <br />Staff offered some options for scheduling a tour for interested members. Members agreed <br />that Saturday would be preferable, probably in the morning. Staff will follow up. <br />d. Colonial Inn Update <br />Staff met earlier today with several interested citizens about this. The Town Board of <br />Adjustment upheld the HDC's decision. The owner may decide to take this to court. <br />e. New proposal for state financial incentives for historic preservation: <br />Staff referred members to Attachment 2, which outlines a new proposal for a state grant <br />incentive rather than a tax credit. This may run into the same opposition as last year. <br />ITEM #7: ADJOURNMENT: Chair Dickinson adjourned the meeting at 9:05 pm. <br />Meeting summary by Peter Sandbeck, DEAPR staff <br />2 <br />