Orange County NC Website
.~ <br />Memorandum <br />To: Solid Waste Advisory Board <br />From: Gayle Wilson, Director, Solid Waste Management <br />Subject: Development of an Interim Solid Waste Management Plan <br />Date: October 4, 2007 <br />Attachments: 2 <br />Staff is becoming concerned about the length of time it is taking to develop the <br />comprehensive County-wide.solid waste management plan. We are overdue by 20 <br />months naw with our submittal of the three-year update to the State, which was due June <br />30, 2006. Staff believes it prudent to consider development and submittal of an interim <br />plan now for approval by our local elected boards. This would allow us to comply with <br />State statutes without compromising the quality of the process we need to create an <br />effective long-term plan for Orange County and its municipalities. <br />Attached is a resolution that SWAB may wish to consider submitting to the Board of <br />Orange County Commissioners requesting preparation of an interim plan. An outline of <br />the proposed interim plan is also attached. ' <br />Developing an interim plan would serve several important purposes: <br />1. Compliance with state statutes, thus enabling Orange County to be eligible for <br />solid waste grant funds, for which we are not now eligible because we are out <br />of compliance. <br />2. Compliance with state statutes enabling Orange County to avoid delays or <br />suspensions for environmental permitting reviews and approvals which could <br />occur as a result of our nan-compliant status: . <br />3. Compliance with state statutes in order that Orange County not loose . <br />eligibility far various solid waste related State reimbursements. <br />4. Creation of an updated interim plan allows our elected officials and the public <br />to see what has been accomplished since the solid waste plan was last updated <br />three years ago. There is quite a long list of developments and <br />accomplishments that should be pointed out in a public, organized way. <br />Because the plan has to be reviewed by each local government as well as at a <br />public hearing, we can use this opportunity to let people know about these <br />improvements in service and the issues facing us, without having to wait <br />another eight months for the report. <br />We understand that there maybe some risk in developing an interim solid waste plan <br />update, such as it becoming in the focus of premature debate with respect to some <br />components/details of our current ongoing comprehensive study process or other ongoing <br />3 <br />