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Financing <br />Departmental operations are now fmanced primarily by revenue from landfill tipping fees and <br />the 3-R fees with a growing contribution from recycling sales revenue. The key change since the <br />previous plan submittal has been the addition of the 3-R Fee to create a stable, predictable, <br />equitable source of income to support recycling. It had become apparent by 2002 that the landfill <br />tipping fees alone could not continue to support the recycling programs, thus a fee was <br />implemented. Other incomes sources include white goods and tine reimbursements, interest on <br />income, licensing and penalty fees. See Table 3-4. <br />Landfill fees cover all landfill operations, 3-R recycling fees cover about 90% of all recycling <br />program costs. Other administrative costs, capital costs and contributions to reserve make up <br />budget areas not included within operations. The 3-R Fee has become established as a major part <br />of the County's Solid Waste budget. It is tied generally to the level of service received by each <br />sector, thus one receiving weekly curbside recycling will pay more than one who receives <br />biweekly curbside, and those who receive no curbside pay less. The exception is that there are <br />two small commercial programs where the low level of 3-R fee ($37/unit/year) does not reflect <br />true program costs, but the tonnage diversion and longstanding nature of the programs along <br />with the strong business relationships have accounted for the continuation of those programs <br />under the broader financing umbrella. This arrangement is likely to continue until a broader <br />commercial program is established with a more comprehensive fee structure. <br />Table 3-4 Revenue Sources for 2006-07 Solid Waste Mana ement <br />Source Amount (to nearest 1,000) Comments <br />Landfill Tip ing Fees 3,671,000 <br />3-R Fees 3,000,000 Charged to all improved <br /> properties to cover most <br /> recycling rogram costs <br />Recycling & Mulch Sales 712,000 Includes ail scrap metal, <br /> compost and wood chips as <br /> well as `conventional <br /> recyclables paper, cans, <br /> bottles <br />White Goods & Tires 212,000 State reimbursements <br />Landfill Penalty Fees 160,000 For illegally landfilling <br /> measurable amounts of <br /> cardboard, wood and scrap <br /> metal. <br />Other: RRMO licensing, 206,000 <br />grants, interest income, bin <br />sales, etc. <br />21 <br />