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Chapter 1 <br />Solid Waste Department Budget for 2006-07 Tables la-ld <br />Table 1-a Summary of Revenues and Expenditures <br />Table 1-b Landfill Operations and Expenditures <br />Table 1-c Administration Expenditures <br />Table 1-d Recycling Division Expenditures <br />The Department is divided into three divisions, Landfill, Administration and Recycling <br />and the budget is organized that way. The fund for recycling represents the Departmental <br />expenditures on recycling and waste reduction programs for all programs, salaries, <br />equipment, fuel, repairs, etc. Ninety percent of its funding now comes from the 3-R Fee. <br />The remainder is from recycling program revenues and landfill tipping fees. <br />Cost of the solid waste education, programs, and planning are incorporated into the <br />administration budget. The administration division's budget is funded 50% from landfill <br />tipping fees and 50% from the 3-R (reduce, reuse, recycle) Fees which are collected on <br />the annual property tax bill plus 50% of other revenues such as income from material <br />sales, interest income, etc. <br />The Landfill Division is funded mostly by landfill tipping fees with a combination of <br />white goods and tire reimbursements, mulch and metal sales and interest on income <br />making up the remainder. <br />Table 1-a Solid Waste De artment Bud et Summa <br />Division 2005-06 Actual 2006-2007 Estimated <br />Administration 989,301 1,417,865 <br />Landfi110 erations 2,608,863 3,345,681 <br />Recycling O erations 3,972,084 3,005,459 <br />Total Ex enditures 7,570,248 8,726,646 <br />Ca ital 1,240,067 1,291,732 <br />Total 8.810,315 10.020,378 <br />Offsetting Revenues 8,810,315 10,020,378 <br />Table 1-bLandfill Operations and Expenditures <br />Item 2005-06 Actual 2006-07 Actual <br />Personnel 1,175,401 1,139,037 <br />O erations 1,269.799 891,469 <br />Ca ital 163,663 43,153 <br />Equipment Reserve Allocation 834,819 923,646 <br />Total 3,443,682 2,997,305 <br />11 <br />