Orange County NC Website
one phone number email and web address for recycling and landfill information. <br />Beginning in 2007-08 the Solid Waste Management Department also took managerial <br />control of the Sanitation Division including five rurally located solid waste convenience <br />centers, the County schools' waste collection and responsibility of ofF landfill litter <br />control. Fiscally the centers, school waste collections and litter control activities remain <br />part of the County's general fund budget, while the rest of the Solid Waste Management <br />Department is funded through an enterprise fund, with income sources separate from the <br />County's General Fund. <br />Solid waste collection services are all privately provided in unincorporated Orange <br />County. The three Towns all provide public waste collection to residential customers in <br />their respective incorporated areas and a mix of public and private providers is used by <br />commerciaUnon-residential entities in the incorporated areas. UNC provides most waste <br />collection and recycling services by contract. The majority of waste generated in Orange <br />County is delivered to the Orange County Landfill (see Table I). On-site inspectors at the <br />working face scrutinize all incoming waste for the presence of regulated recyclable <br />materials -- cardboard, metal and clean wood as well as for State or Federally banned <br />materials including brush, batteries, tires, appliances, hazardous waste and infectious <br />wastes. <br />We have 35 monitoring groundwater monitoring wells as shown below. We sample 28 <br />wells semiannually for the criteria pollutants of pH, conductivity, temperature, total <br />metals as well as volatile organics using EPA method 8260 and an inorganic analysis for <br />lead, barium, cadmium, chromium, lead, mercury, selenium and silver <br />The wells are distributed as follows: <br />South Side MSW (active, line) - 14 wells: sample - 12 <br />North side (closed MSW, 1995, unlined) - 16 wells: sample - 12 <br />New C&D north side - 5 wells: sample - 4 <br />To monitor methane we have 18 gas monitoring probes on the north side and 19 gas <br />monitoring probes on the south side. We take gas readings quarterly. Through this <br />testing we recently discovered a methane migration at the landfill edge and it is being <br />controlled by installation of a localized gas collection system with a flare. There are also <br />45 passive gas venting pipes in the north landfill that are not monitored directly. <br />Waste Reduction Goal Calculations <br />In 2006-07 Orange County's state-calculated waste burial rate was 0.711 tons per capita., <br />which is equivalent of a waste reduction rate of 47.7% per capita compared to the <br />County's base year waste generation rate of 1.36 tons per capita in 1991-92. This is the <br />County's highest calculated rate yet reached. <br />Orange County is aware of at least one private in-County hauler that reported to us orally <br />that they pick up about 1,400 tons of waste per year from Orange County residential <br />customers and deliver it to the Durham [City] transfer station, yet no tonnage is noted in <br />the annual state solid waste report as being delivered to the Durham Transfer Station <br />from Orange County. We have notified Durham and the State Solid Waste Section of this <br />9 <br />