Agenda - 04-15-2008-6d
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 04-15-2008
Agenda - 04-15-2008-6d
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Last modified
8/29/2008 3:16:31 PM
Creation date
8/28/2008 10:01:37 AM
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scale and efficient routing of services, while reducing market choice at least until the <br />franchise is rebid. <br />These reports will be followed by technical reports on integrating the plan and financing. <br />That will result in development of an overall draft plan to meet the next three year <br />planning cycle update due in June 2009. <br />Construction and Demolition Waste <br />After establishment of the Regulated Recyclable Material Ordinance (]Z12M0) in 2002- <br />03, the County, in 2005, opened a new C&D landfill cell of 13 acres purchased next to its <br />current site. Adjoining property owner Duke University provides the buffer zone, a <br />unique arrangement in North Carolina. The RR1VI0 prohibits landfiiling clean wood, <br />corrugated cardboard and scrap metal and requires they be recycled. It also regulates <br />construction and demolition activities by requiring a solid waste plan in which builders <br />must stipulate how the regulated materials will be managed for recycling. It further <br />regulates haulers to require them to separate these regulated materials or haul to a mixed <br />waste processor as a condition of their local hauling license. It also provides for <br />certification of mixed C&D waste processors to ensure they are separating recyclable. <br />materials as an alternative to source-separation. <br />This C&D cell was originally projected to last 13 years at use rates projected based on <br />diverting the regulated,materials which were about 30% of C&D. Due to instituting the <br />RRMO; relatively high rates for C&D disposal compared to surrounding alternatives and <br />availability of mixed C&D waste processing options as alternatives to source separation <br />of the regulated materials, the cell is now projected to last eighteen years. C&D waste <br />landfilled at Orange County has dropped by an average of 47% from about 30,500 tons a <br />year prior to RRMO implementation to an average of 16,100 tons a year since full <br />implementation. Overall C&D generation in the County has remained fairly steady, but <br />the destinations have shifted from the Orange. County landfill to a combination of the <br />Orange County Landfill, source-separated recycling at Orange County, mixed waste <br />processing facilities and other. C&D landfills that accepted materials free of the regulated <br />materials. The table below compares C&D destinations in the year before RItMO's <br />passage with last year, three years after full implementation and staffing of RRMO. <br />Orange County expects a further drastic drop in waste tonnage directed to this facility <br />now that the State regulators have determined anything that is not `pure' C&D, coming <br />from a construction site, must be placed in a lined. MSW landfill. Orange County <br />estimates that is over 75% of the weight received at its C&D landfill that must now be <br />diverted to MSW. <br />Table ES-3 Tonnages & Destinations of C&D from Orange Co 2001-02 v. 2006-07 <br />Year Landfilled in- Landfilled out- Clean wood & Mixed waste Total <br /> Coon of-Coon scra metal rocessing <br />2001-02 27,792 8,134 -- -- 35,863 <br />2006-07 16,546 349 2,305 12,436 (inbound to 31,636 <br /> facilities) before <br /> processing <br />6 <br />
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