Orange County NC Website
7. <br /> DRAFT JUN 94 DRAFT JUN 94 DRAFT JUN 94 DRAFT JUN 94 DRAFT JUN 94 <br /> 2) Make additions to Comprehensive Plan to include <br /> bicycling. <br /> 3) In-service staff training programs should be provided for <br /> city and county transportation and planning staff. <br /> 4) Substandard facilities should be identified and <br /> corrected, to avoid municipal liability. <br /> 5) Rural route hazard removal should be initiated, "Share <br /> the Road" signs should be installed on rural roadways <br /> identified by Rural Bicycle Route Plan. <br /> 6) Adopt zoning ordinances, development ordinances and <br /> standard practices that ensure bicycle friendly land use <br /> development. <br /> 7) All outdated bicycle traffic ordinances should be brought <br /> to modern standards. Each jurisdiction should adopt <br /> progressive bicycle parking ordinances. <br /> 8) Full scale helmet promotion campaigns should be <br /> implemented in each locality. The bicycle education plan <br /> should be implemented, concentrating on Basics of <br /> Bicycling in public schools. Adult education efforts <br /> should begin, primarily through universities and public <br /> service announcements. <br /> 9) The new "Share the Road" segment of the Driver's <br /> Education curriculum should be implemented across the <br /> region, in public schools and through private driver's <br /> training courses. Local bicycle advisory committees <br /> should contact local Driver's Education instructors and <br /> encourage use of new curriculums. <br /> 10) Bicycle registration programs should be initiated, or <br /> strengthened in areas where they already exist. <br /> IV. IMPLEMENTATION OPTIONS AND COSTS <br /> The NC DOT does not have estimates of cost by facility type. NC <br /> DOT prefers to develop cost estimates on a case by case basis <br /> because often times there are unique aspects to each bicycle <br /> facility that will affect its cost, i.e. , wetland mitigation, <br /> bridge widening, etc. What is provided below is an "order of <br /> magnitude" type of cost estimate that will allow a comparison of <br /> the different facility types. <br /> Bicycle Lanes - Typical design is a 4'-'6 wide paved lane in each <br /> direction adjacent to the vehicle lane, intended for urban areas. <br /> Average cost is $100,000 to 150,000 per mile (4 ' paved lanes) . <br /> 5 <br />