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OCPYC Neat Step Plan <br /> VISION GOALS <br /> -� One: Improve early care and education services <br /> -► Two: Improve the health of young children and their families <br /> -+Three: Enhance family education and support services <br /> -+Four: Enhance mental health and early intervention services <br /> — Five: Provide economic support programs for low income families <br /> —Six: Ensure that all young children are safe from violence <br /> -►Seven: Improve the delivery of human services for young children and their families <br /> -+Eight: Educate the community about the value of early services for children <br /> For each of these goals the Partnership has identified broad objectives, which we have labeled <br /> outcomes, and specific strategies for each goal. <br /> GOAL ONE: To imilrove early care and education services <br /> Desired Outcomes/Results: <br /> 1. All centers and family day care homes are nationally accredited. <br /> 2. Comprehensive services are linked to child care programs so that families and children can <br /> access these services easily and comfortably. <br /> 3. Child care standards support continuity between home and child care settings, and encourage <br /> parent involvement in their child's care and education. <br /> 4. Elementary school and preschool teachers work together to provide seamless transition from <br /> preschool to elementary school. <br /> 5. Child care providers are encouraged to improve the educational program for children <br /> (training, materials, supplies, equipment, environments, etc.). <br /> 6. The cost of child care is not a barrier for families. <br /> 7. All teachers of young children (whether in homes or centers) are well educated and receive <br /> wages and benefits that reflect the importance of their work. <br /> 8. Children are given experiences to help them develop appropriately. <br /> 9. Programs are developed to meet the needs of families and children (night care, weekend care, <br /> shift care, infant care, after school options, etc.). <br /> 10. There is continuity and consistency of early childhood teachers and caregivers so that <br /> children can develop positive attachment and bonding with adults. <br /> 11. Children are prepared to succeed when they arrive at school. <br /> Desired Strategies: <br /> 1. Set community standards for child care. <br /> 2. Extend Child Service Coordination Services to all children from birth to age five in regular <br /> and special child care settings. <br /> 3. Ensure professional development and support for teachers and parents. <br /> 4. Provide "worthy wages" that includes adequate compensation and benefits. <br />