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S <br /> OCPYC Next Step Plan <br /> Start we will strengthen and deepen these roots. A major thrust in the future will be to use <br /> technology to make services more coordinated and available to families, and to heighten the <br /> community's awareness and understanding about the importance of early childhood and <br /> prevention. <br /> The Partnership's vision has evolved from a very global vision developed at the first Vision <br /> Conference: <br /> All young children and their families will have access to the resources and <br /> services they need to ensure to grow to their full potential: <br /> Today our vision is more focused, more cognizant of the fact that Smart Start cannot be all things <br /> to all young children and their families. Today, our vision is this: <br /> Every child between the ages of 0 and S will have access to quality, <br /> comprehensive early childhood services and educational experiences. <br /> Access means available to families regardless of income, and available in neighborhoods close to <br /> where families live and work. Access means voluntary and invitational, so that services are <br /> welcomed, relevant, and understandable. Access rests on consumer information and outreach. <br /> While the family is not directly mentioned, it is of course embedded in comprehensive. Parent <br /> involvement is the cornerstone of an early childhood system where families are seen as partners in <br /> working with children. Comprehensive also means that an array of social, emotional, health, and <br /> education services are linked together and collaborative to benefit and enhance the child's <br /> development. Families must have choices about services that will support their efforts to raise <br /> and nurture their children, and these services must be community-based, accessible and affordable. <br /> Quality infers many dimensions. First, staff are well educated, trained, and compensated so that <br /> there is minimum turnover among caregivers for children. Quality means that facilities meet the <br /> highest standards and are well maintained. It means that there are low staff/child ratios and group <br /> size so that a child's individual learning and learning style can be fostered. Quality guarantees <br /> that services are developmentally appropriate for children. Quality also means that there is a <br /> match between needs and resources because otherwise the focus becomes the quantity of services. <br /> Early childhood services and educational experiences must occur in all settings--the child's <br /> home, neighborhood, and child care setting. It must enhance the child's development, and be <br /> culturally appropriate, and linked to parents and their goals for their child and family. <br /> Our vision is based on certain principles that have served as the cornerstones for the Partnership's <br /> planning and funding during this first year. Initiatives must strive to: <br /> ensure collaboration in design and execution <br /> be family focused and child-centered <br /> address all elements of the Vision <br /> build upon the combined strengths and contributions of existing services, agencies and <br />