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25 <br /> b. is participating in a supervised rehabilitation <br /> program and is no longer engaging in such use; or <br /> C . is erroneously regarded as engaging in such <br /> use . <br /> (b) (2 ) It is not a violation of this Ordinance for a <br /> covered entity to adopt or administer reasonable policies or <br /> procedures , including but not limited to drug testing, designed to <br /> ensure that an individual described in subdivision (a) or (b) of <br /> this subsection is no longer engaging in the illegal use of drugs . <br /> (c) A covered entity may: <br /> ( 1) prohibit the illegal use of drugs and the use of <br /> alcohol at the workplace by employees; <br /> (2 ) require that employees shall not be under the <br /> influence of alcohol or be engaging in the illegal use of drugs at <br /> the workplace; <br /> ( 3) require that employees behave in conformance with <br /> the requirements established under the Drug-Free Workplace Act of <br /> 1988 (41 U.S .C . SS 701 et, seg. ) ; <br /> (4) hold an employee who engages in the illegal use of <br /> drugs or who is an alcoholic to the same qualification standards <br /> for employment or job performance and behavior that the entity <br /> holds other employees, even if any unsatisfactory performance or <br /> behavior is related to the drug use or alcoholism of the employee; <br /> and <br /> (5) with respect to federal regulations regarding <br /> alcohol and the illegal use of drugs, require that employees comply <br /> 20 <br />