Orange County NC Website
', 11 <br /> the process of securing legal custody of any individual who has not <br /> attained the age of 18 years . <br /> "Family" includes a single individual . <br /> "Financial institution" means any banking corporation or trust <br /> company, savings and loan association, credit union, insurance <br /> company, or related corporation, partnership, foundation, or other <br /> institution engaged primarily in lending or investing funds ; <br /> "Housing accommodation" means any improved or unimproved real <br /> property, or part thereof, which is used or occupied, or is <br /> intended, arranged, or designed to be used or occupied, as the home <br /> or residence of one or more individuals ; <br /> "Illegal use of drugs " means the use of drugs, the possession <br /> or distribution of which is unlawful under the Controlled <br /> Substances Act ( 21 U.S .C . § 812) . Such term does not include the <br /> use of a drug taken under supervision by a licensed health care <br /> professional, or other uses authorized by the Controlled Substances <br /> Act or other provisions of federal law. <br /> "Labor organization" means a labor organization and any agent <br /> of such an organization, and includes any organization of any kind, <br /> any agency, or employee representation committee, group, <br /> association, or plan so engaged in which employees participate and <br /> which exists for the purpose, in whole or in part, of dealing with <br /> employers concerning grievances, labor disputes , wages , rates of <br /> pay, hours, or other terms or conditions of employment, and any <br /> conference, general committee, joint or system board, or joint <br /> 6 <br />