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13 <br /> Chairperson and shall perform such duties and functions as the <br /> Board of Directors may prescribe. <br /> Section 7 . Secretarv: The Secretary shall keep accurate <br /> records of the acts and proceedings of all meetings of directors <br /> and committees of directors . The Secretary shall have the <br /> authority to give all notices required by law or these By-laws . <br /> The Secretary shall be custodian of the corporate books, records, <br /> contracts and other documents . The Secretary may affix the <br /> Corporate seal to any lawfully executed documents requiring it and <br /> shall sign such instruments as may require a signature . The <br /> Secretary shall perform whatever additional duties and have <br /> whatever additional powers the Board of Directors may from time to <br /> time assign The Secretary may delegate certain administrative <br /> responsibilities to employees or staff members but may not relieve <br /> himself/herself of liability as an officer of the Corporation. <br /> Section S. Treasurer: The Treasurer shall have custody of all <br /> funds and securities belonging to the Corporation and shall <br /> receive, deposit and disburse the same under the direction of the <br /> Board of Directors pursuant to a duly adopted corporate resolution. <br /> The Treasurer shall keep full and true accounts of all receipts and <br /> disbursements and shall make such reports of the same to the Board <br /> of Directors . The Treasurer shall perform whatever additional <br /> duties and have whatever additional powers the Board of Directors <br /> may from time to time assign. <br /> Section 9 . Executive Director: The Board of Directors may, <br /> when deemed necessary, employ an Executive Director who shall be <br /> the chief administrative official of the Corporation. The <br />