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12 <br /> person) . The Board of Directors shall appoint a Clerk to provide <br /> staff services for the Association, and may, from time to time, <br /> create and establish the duties of such other officers as it deems <br /> necessary for the efficient management of the Corporation. <br /> Section 2 . Election and Term: All officers shall be <br /> elected by the Board of Directors at the annual meetings of the <br /> Board. Each officer shall serve a term of one (1) year, running <br /> concurrently with the fiscal year of the Corporation (Or until <br /> their successors shall have been duly elected and qualified) . <br /> Section 3 . Compensation: The officers of the Corporation <br /> shall not receive any compensation for their services as such. <br /> Section 4 . Removal : Any officer or agent elected or <br /> appointed by the Board of Directors may be removed, with or without <br /> cause, by a majority vote of the entire Board of Directors at any <br /> meeting with respect to which due notice of such purpose has been <br /> given to the Directors. <br /> Section 5 . Chairperson: The Chairperson shall preside at <br /> all meetings of the Board of Directors . The Chairperson shall <br /> cause to be called special meetings of the Board of Directors in <br /> accordance with the requirements of these By-laws. The Chairperson <br /> shall enforce these By-laws and perform all duties incident to the <br /> office and which are required by law, and generally shall supervise <br /> and control the day-to-day business and affairs of the Corporation. <br /> Section 6 . vice Chairperson: During the absence or <br /> incapacity of the Chairperson, the vice Chairperson shall perform <br /> the duties of the Chairperson and when 'so acting shall have all the <br /> powers and be subject to all the responsibilities of the office of <br />