Orange County NC Website
10 <br /> day and hour of the meeting and, in the case of a special meeting, <br /> shall state the purpose or purposes for which such meeting is <br /> called. Each such notice shall be given in accordance with the <br /> State of North Carolina' s open meetings laws. All notices shall be <br /> delivered personally or sent by mail or facsimile to each director <br /> at his or her address as shown in the records of the Corporation. <br /> If such notice is given by mail, such notice shall be deemed to <br /> have been given when deposited in the United States Mail, with <br /> first-class postage thereon. <br /> Section 7 . Quorum: Two-thirds of the directors then holding <br /> office shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business by <br /> the Board of Directors; provided, that if less than two-thirds of <br /> the directors shall be present at the time and place of any <br /> meeting, the directors present may adjourn the meeting from time to <br /> time until a quorum shall be present, the notice of any adjourned <br /> meeting need not be given. Once a quorum is present at a meeting, <br /> the exiting or abstention of any director shall not remove such <br /> quorum and all business which otherwise could have been conducted <br /> at such meeting may continue to be conducted. <br /> Section 8 . voting: Except as otherwise expressly provided <br /> by statute or by the Charter of the Corporation or by these By- <br /> laws, the action of a majority of the directors present and voting <br /> at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall be the action of <br /> the Board of Directors . Each unit of local government, and public <br /> and private agency or corporation belonging to the Corporation <br /> shall be entitles to one (1) Director and one (1) vote on any <br /> matter coming before the Board of Directors of the Corporation. <br />