Orange County NC Website
9 <br /> the Corporation and do all such acts and things not otherwise <br /> prohibited by law or the Articles of Incorporation. <br /> Section 2 . Number and Appointment The number of Directors <br /> constituting the Board of Directors shall be one (1) per full <br /> voting entity, with (1) alternate per full voting entity in case of <br /> the Director' s absence. The exact number of directors may be fixed <br /> by the resolution of the Board of Directors from time to time. <br /> Each director shall hold office for a period of three (3 ) <br /> years or until his resignation , retirement , removal , <br /> disqualification or his successor is appointed and qualified. <br /> Section 3 . Removal: Any director may be removed from office <br /> at any time, with or without cause, by the appointing authority. <br /> Section 4 . Reaular Meetings : A regular annual meeting of <br /> -:he Board of Directors shall be at a date set by the directors . In <br /> addition, the Board of Directors shall hold semi-annual meetings <br /> and may establish additional regular meeting times . All such <br /> meetings shall be held at such times and places as the Board of <br /> Directors shall determine. All meetings will be held in accordance <br /> with North Carolina open meetings statutes. <br /> Section 5 . Special Meetings: Special meetings of the Board <br /> of Directors may be called by or at the request of the Chairperson, <br /> Vice Chairperson and Secretary or by any two or more directors . <br /> The person or persons authorized to call special meetings of the <br /> Board may fix any place within the Service area as the place for <br /> the holding of such special meeting. <br /> Section 6 . Notice of Meetings: Notice of each meeting of <br /> the Board of Directors shall be in writing, shall state the place, <br />