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ORANGE COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT <br /> 306F REVERE ROAD 3 <br /> HILLSBOROUGH, NORTH CAROLINA 27278 <br /> NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON PROPOSED ZONING ORDINANCE TEXT AMENDMENTS <br /> AND RURAL CHARACTER PRESERVATION STRATEGIES <br /> FOR ORANGE COUNTY,N.C. <br /> Pursuant to the requirements of the General Statutes of North Carolina,Chapter 153A,Section 240,323 and 343,and <br /> Articles 20.5, 20.6, 2.2.12 and 2.2.13 of the Orange County Zoning Ordinance,and Section VIII of the Orange County <br /> Subdivision Regulations, notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held in the Superior Courtroom of the <br /> Orange County Courthouse(New), 106 East Margaret Lane,Hillsborough,North Carolina,on Thursday,June 30, 1994 <br /> at 7:30 p.m.for the purpose of giving all interested citizens an opportunity to speak for or against the following items: <br /> PROPOSED ZONING ORDINANCE TEXT AMENDMENTS <br /> 1. Minimum Lot Size in AR and R-1 Zoning Districts: All but 37% of the County's planning and zoning <br /> jurisdiction is already zoned in a manner which requires a minimum lot size of two acres or more.This proposal <br /> involves amendments to Articles 5.1.1 and 5.1.2 and would,if approved,change the minimum required lot area <br /> per dwelling unit from 40,000 square feet (0.92 acres) to 87,120 square feet (2.0 acres) in AR Agricultural- <br /> Residential and R-1 Rural Residential zoning districts. The net effect of the proposal is require a two-acre <br /> minimum lot size in the remaining 37% of the County's jurisdiction. <br /> The proposals are based, in part, on a Rural Character Study Committee recommendation that a minimum <br /> average lot size of 80,000 square feet (1.84 acres) be established as the"baseline"zoning density for the rural <br /> portions of the county. The proposed amendment would implement this recommendation but sets a higher <br /> standard; e.g., 2.0 acres. A second reason for the two-acre standard is that studies of development between <br /> 1987 and 1991 have shown that lots created through the major subdivision approval process in rural portions <br /> of the county have averaged approximately two acres in size. <br /> Citizens whose property is presently located in the Rural Buffer zoning district or a Protected <br /> Watershed Overlay District which requires a minimum lot size of two acres or more would not <br /> be affected by this proposal. <br /> 2. Density Averaging: This proposal involves an amendment to Article 6.2 and would, if approved, allow <br /> developments to provide varying lot sizes so long as the overall density does not exceed one dwelling unit per <br /> two acres (after excluding street rights-of-way) and no lot is less than 40,000 square feet in size. <br /> 3. Minimum Lot Size in HYCO-PW and FLAT-PW Protected Watershed Overlay Districts: This <br /> Proposal involves amendments to Article 6.232 to insure consistency between amendment #1 above and the <br /> Protected Watershed Overlay Districts; e.g., the minimum lot size requirement in the Hyco Creek and Flat <br /> River watersheds are increased from 40,000 square feet to two acres. <br /> Citizens whose property is presently located in a Protected Watershed Overlay District which <br /> requires a minimum lot size of two acres or more would not be affected by this proposal. <br /> RURAL CHARACTER PRESERVATION STRATEGIES <br /> Related to the above proposals are a variety of options recommended as methods by which to preserve rural character <br /> and/or open space. Because of the number of available options, the Board of County Commissioners is focusing on <br /> several basic issues and would like to receive citizen comment on the following: <br /> 1. Whether clustering is a desirable and marketable form of development; <br />