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1 <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> Action Agenda <br /> Item No _ j 3 <br /> ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br /> Meeting Date: June 6, 1994 <br /> SUBJECT: Rescue Franchise Applications <br /> ----------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> DEPARTMENT Emergency Management PUBLIC HEARING YES NO X <br /> -------------------------------- ------------------------------- <br /> ATTACHMENT(S) INFORMATION CONTACT <br /> Applications Nick Waters, ext 3030 <br /> TELEPHONE NUMBER <br /> Hillsborough 732-8181 <br /> Chapel Hill 968-4501 <br /> Mebane 227-2031 <br /> Durham 688-7331 <br /> ----------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /> PURPOSE: To consider franchise requests from South Orange Rescue Squad <br /> and Orange County Rescue Squad for the provision of certain rescue <br /> services. <br /> BACKGROUND: In April 1993, the Board of Commissioners adopted an <br /> "Ordinance Regulating Emergency Medical, First Responder, and Rescue <br /> Service and Granting of Franchises and Contracts to the Operators in <br /> the County of Orange. " This ordinance updated and modernized the <br /> County' s ambulance and EMS regulations, and superseded the County' s <br /> 1981 EMS franchise ordinance. <br /> Orange County Rescue Squad has asked to be franchised to provide <br /> vehicle extrication rescue. South Orange Rescue Squad has asked to be <br /> franchised to provide vehicle extrication, high/low angle, and water <br /> rescue. These applications are the first phase of a new process by EMS <br /> staff to franchise rescue services as required by the new ordinance. <br /> Emergency Management Services staff have reviewed the documentation <br /> required of applicants by the franchise ordinance and find that the <br /> applications for franchises are satisfactorily supported in both cases. <br /> EMS staff recommend approval of the franchise applications submitted by <br /> both rescue squads. <br /> RECOMMENDATION: The Manager recommends that the Board approve the <br /> franchises for Orange County Rescue Squad to provide vehicle <br /> extrication rescue and for South Orange Rescue Squad to provide <br /> vehicle extrication, high/low angle, and water rescue. <br />