Orange County NC Website
3 <br /> E <br /> 10. The contract should be executed and submitted in triplicate to the Secretary of the Local Government Commission, 325 <br /> North Salisbury Street, Raleigh. North Carolina 27803-1385. I <br /> 11. Upon approval,the original contract will be returned to the Governmental Unit, a copy will be forwarded to the Auditor, <br /> and a copy retained by the Secretary of the Local Government Commis:ion. The audit should not .,e started before the <br /> contract is approved. <br /> 12. This contract eontemPlates art unqualified ophsion being rendered.Aug$naitations or restrictiom in acope which would <br /> Lead to a qualification should be fully aWlained in an atta*nwat to this contraa. Contracts with such limitations will <br /> not be approved unless satisfactory explanation Is made. <br /> 13. If an approved contract needs to be varied or changed, the change must be reduced to waiting, signed by both parties, <br /> preaudited if necessary, and submitted to the Secretary of the Local Government Commission for approval. No change <br /> shall be effective unless approved by the Secretary of the Local Government Commission, the Govaning Board, and the <br /> Auditor. <br /> 14. A separate contract should not be made for each division to be audited or report to be submitted. The:Dope of the audit <br /> and the fee for the audit should be dearly stated. A separate contract must be executed for each component unit which <br /> is a local government and for which a separate audit report is issued. <br /> 15. The auditor shall file three copies of the report of audit (four copies for councils of governments, one copy If no single <br /> audit is required) with the Secretary of the Local Government Commission when (or prior to)submitting the invoice for <br /> the services rendered. The report of audit, as filed with the Secretary of the Local Government Commission, becomes a <br /> matter of public record for inspection and review in the offices of the Secretary by any interested parties. These reports <br /> are used in the preparation of Official Statements for debt offerings as well as by municipal bond rating services. <br /> 16. There are no special provisions except: See engag t letter attached <br /> 17. Whenever the Auditor uses an engagement letter with the client, Item 16 should be completed by referencing the engage- <br /> ment letter and attaching a copy of the engagement letter to the contract to incorporate the engagement letter into the <br /> • contract. In case of conflict between the terms of the engagement letter and the terms of this contract, the terra:of this <br /> contract will control.Engagement letter terms are deemed to be void unless the conflicting tams of this contract are specifically, <br /> deleted in Item 21 of this contract. <br /> 18. A Governmental Unit not having a single audit on federal and State funds would list Item 7 in Item 21 of the contract <br /> as being a deleted provision. An explanation must be given in Item 21 for anv Governmental Unit not receiving a single <br /> audit on federal and State funds (e.g., a single audit is not required under the Federal and State Single Audit Acts and <br /> is not being performed). <br /> 19. If this audit engagement is subject to the standards for audit as defined in the Government Auditing Standards, issued by <br /> the Comptroller General of the United States, then the Auditor warrants by accepting this engagement that helshe will <br /> meet the requirements for an external quality control review and continuing education requirements specified in the <br /> Government Auditing Standards. Copies of any written communications that are a result of an erternal quality control <br /> review will be made available to the Secretary of the Local Government Commission upon his request. <br /> 20. There are no other agreements between the parties hereto and no other agreements relative hereto that shall be enforceable <br /> unless entered into in accordance with the procedure set out herein and approved by the Secretary of the Local Govern- <br /> ment Commission. <br /> 21. All of the above paragraphs are understood and shall apply to this agreement,except the following numbered paragraphs <br /> shall be deleted: (See Items 17 and 18.) <br /> Deloitte & Touche Orange County, North Carolina <br /> . Audit Hem Gavwameani Usk <br /> By Rea Price, Partner By Moses Carey, Jr., Chairman <br /> / (PWM e�pa,pr txfee same) G (Thaw tYR or print etra and tlHa) <br /> Mpntura) (Upomn of Maroc or;Caakpweoa of praeaitq bowd) <br /> Approved by the Secretary 4 the Local Government This instrument has been preaudited In the manner re- <br /> Commission as provided in Article 3, Chapter 159 of the quired by The Local Government Budget and Fiscal Con- <br /> General Statutes or Article 31, Part 3, Chapter 115C of trol Act or by The School Budget and Fiscal Control Act. <br /> the General Statutes. <br /> Kenneth T. 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