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Orange County 1 <br /> Board of Commissioners <br /> Action Agenda <br /> Item No 71I-l4 <br /> Action Agenda Item Abstract <br /> Meeting Date: June 6, 1994 <br /> Subject: Budget Amendment# 12 <br /> Department Budget Office Public Hearing YES_ NO __g_ <br /> V.Attachment(s) Information Contact <br /> Proposed Budget Ordinance Amendments Budget Office Ext. 2150 <br /> Proposed Grant Project Ordinance Telephone Number <br /> Proposed Community Development Project Ordinance Hillsborough 732-8181 <br /> Proposed Section 8 Project Ordinance Chapel Hill 968-4501 <br /> Mebane 227-2031 <br /> Durham 688-7331 <br /> Purpose <br /> To approve proposed budget ordinance amendments and grant project ordinances for the Department on <br /> Aging, Community Development program and Section 8. <br /> Background x <br /> Department on Aging <br /> On March 15, 1994, the Board of County Commissioners approved the receipt of North Carolina Department of <br /> Transportation funds totalling $9,198. These funds will be used by CAT to promote rural public transportation in <br /> Orange County. This budget amendment, (box#1, page 3 of this abstract) accepts the additional State fund. <br /> No County match is required. <br /> The Department on Aging has received additional federal funds through the Triangle J Council of Governments <br /> for senior health promotion. The attached budget amendment (box#2, page 3 of this abstract) appropriates this <br /> additional $4,775 to the Department on Aging. <br /> The Department on Aging through the senior centers, charges fees for various activities and programs. <br /> Participation in these activities has been higher than originally planned and budgeted. The fees are used to <br /> offset actual expenditures. The attached budget amendment, (box#3, page 3) budgets the additional $2,253 <br /> in revenue. <br /> The Orange County Department on Aging has received $1,460 to purchase fans for low income senior citizens. <br /> The donations are from Duke Power($710), the Chapel Hill Sertoma Club ($500) and the Durham-Orange <br /> Medical Auxiliary ($250). The attached budget amendment (box 4, page 3) appropriates these additional funds. <br /> The Orange County Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) has been awarded supplemental ACTION funds. <br /> These additional funds must be used for this program. The attached budget amendment (box 5, page 3) <br /> appropriates this additional $1,641 in grant funds. <br /> At the May 2, 1994, Board of Commissioners meeting, the Board approved entering into a mutual cooperation <br /> agreement with the Friends of the Chapel Hill Senior Center. Under this agreement, the County is to be <br /> reimbursed by the Friends for the recruitment and selection process, salary, fringe benefits and related <br /> personnel and indirect costs for hiring and supervising a Senior Health Promotion Coordinator. This position is <br /> to be time limited terminating at the end of the three year period. The attached grant project ordinance budgets <br /> the first year of these funds and establishes one 30 hour per week position (.75 full time equivalent). <br />